Well, I got none right in 2014. Dang it! Maybe I need to be a little more realistic and not predict so much with people dying, UFO sightings and so on. But got to have fun. So let me make a few predictions of 2015.
1. I see gas continuing to go down and down, until we see some places in the USA hitting $1.50 per gallon. Which will actually cause a serious job problem in states like North and South Dakota, down to Oklahoma and Texas. But I will have one hell of a road trip!
2. I see more major terrorist attacks in the cyber world. Mostly the retail and entertainment sector. Which will lead to an early release of Star Wars, which will help me not to have to be seeing such an unreal count down. (Just please, not the crap of Episode 1-3).
3. I feel that Hillary Clinton will end up choosing to drop out of the race, as there are serious health issues that she is not being open about. These will lead to a lack of confidence, and will lead to Joe running as lead on the ticket. Of course, SNL will celebrate this will a major Thank You!
4, Russia will take the Ukraine, it will also invade Georgia and other smaller broken away nations.
5. George Bush Sr, I feel will pass by the Spring. Which sucks, as I kind of liked him post presidency.
6. I predict we will hear more and more useless information about Kim K, and that husband of hers. Which will ever have my head shaking and wondering, "Why do we care about this fat bottom girl so much?"
7. I feel the Jehovah's Witnesses will make further and larger cuts to the organization, and lower the amount of hours expected by their members. As they put less focus on door-to-door and more on bible studies, and member recruitment that is succeeding (Which should lead to large birth rate in their religion, as that is the best way to get new members).
8. Someone will invent an app that actually alerts you to JWs in your neighborhood, allowing time for lights off, door bell disconnections, and dogs released to prevent the knock.
9. Earthquake of epic levels in Rio, London and India. (Why, not gotta have those things in predictions).
10. The pope will declare a dog a saint! (For fun!)
Have a great year, live to see the next.