I know it seems like a bit of an odd question, but I find myself really drawn to his music. I love his drunken Southern drawl, the boogie piano, even the massive ego, and of course the pure unadulterated sexual energy and fire he had. Been listening to his music alot recently, and also lots of Fats Domino, Chuck Berry and Little Richard. Chuck of course is one of my guitar heros, just because, without him, most of the rock that I love wouldn't have happened, especially the Stones. I also love Elvis, but Jerry Lee, always was more my favorite of the Sun guys, though Johnny Cash was awesome as well, and its truly a tossup between he, Chuck and the Killer for my favorite 50's rock guy.
Any love for Jerry Lee around here????
by bluesbreaker59 7 Replies latest jw friends
Jerry Lee Lewis is phenomenal! The rock stars who came later owe him a lot. He was the classic bad boy who exuded charisma and a sense of danger. Of course, I love Elvis, too. Elvis had a boyish sweetness and vulnerability about him, which, I am sure, contributed greatly to his appeal. Chuck Berry rocked! Gotta love that duck walk. My favorite CB song is "Johnny B. Goode."
I dunno. That dude married his 13 year old cousin.
Married his cousin-sounds like a perfect candidate for a visit . Come join them- he can perform with prince and mj.
My dad married my mother 2 days before her 15th birthday. He was a pervert. Perverts look like normal people to me. In the past, perverts were not looked down upon either, at least not where I lived (unless they were female perverts, of course).
Bluesbreaker, love jerry lee and the movie. Chuck Berry is a God among men! When I was in high school I DANCED with Chuck at a college concert! I was on the front row and all of a sudden he says he want 6 guy and 6 girls on stage to do the bunny hop with him...swear to Chuck it's true. The only bad thing about being on the front row is that Chuck spits like a dand Camel when he sings! You would not believe the photos I got that night. The Drifters opened up.
Those were they days-1979....oompa
Was Jerry Lee in that film 'The Nutty Proffesor' (the original one)? I loved that film thought it was well funny.
I have a whole lot more respect for Jerry than his hypocritical cousin Jimmy Swagart.