i posted a letter from God to the GB and it wont go through ---- has this site banned God from commenting?
why my post not accepted?
by NvrKssdNObutt 9 Replies latest watchtower scandals
OK i have to admit .. you got a chuckle out of me.
hmmmmm? i guess this site wont allow me to post God's addy on Alcyone. You accept posts from jw's in good standing and posts from so-called apostates (enlightened ones who have escaped the witchtower) why you not want God's addy?
In all seriousness ---- I really do want to know what part of the letter is taboo ---- Because I am just as adept as the WTBTS of rewriting God's words for him. I will edit His letter to suit the needs of this board if only I can find out which path to follow
We're not that prescient. Most likely you tried to copy directly from Word. Copy your post in to Wordpad first, then paste here.
Sad emo
Ok I haven't got a clue what you're on about but taking a wild guess - you're trying to paste something from Word?
If you are, it won't work - you need to paste it into Wordpad first and then copy and paste from there into your post.
edit to add; jgnat, what telepathic powers we must have lol!
From God
8263 Alcyone
Plesiades ConstellationDear Governing Body
How long will you be limping upon two different opinions? I told dear Pastor Russell that I shall resurrect the men of Sodom.
Then you saw fit to claim new light and proclaim that I shall not restore them to life. I could learn to live with that because I did not really like the bastards of Sodom anyway.
Then you changed your view back to what I had told my “faithful and discreet slave” Russell. You again claimed new light and proved scripturally that I will resurrect the Sodomites.
Then you had the audacity to change back, once again, to my planning on giving them no resurrection. I am the Ancient of Days but you are making me appear to be senile. You portray me as an old fool who cannot make up his mind one way or the other pertaining to this matter. The ruse about me having to go to the privy and take a leak will not work in this case.
Please cease and desist from making me appear foolish!
Also, if you wish to join groups such as the United Nations, please be more circumspect and don’t leave such wide paper trails.
Looking at the way you have handled affairs on earth for me I think the following is appropriate: I, God, being of sound mind do hereby renounce, denounce etc etc the Watchtower Organization.
God, aka Heap Big Fella
all this time i have been trying to post from word! me thought you wuz just ostriching me cuz i am a fat old man who likes chinese girls in their twenties.
james t
lord protector of the faith
defender of the realm
I don't know what the dispute is all about since Jesus clearly stated that the people of Sodom will be resurrected. The GB must be trying to create confusion on the issue for some unknown reason, by shifting their position several times.
OK, I'll try this again:
That was cute, glad it wasn't blocked