Well I think it's time for me to pack it in again. Whenever I come on I eventually get to a point like it's all been said, even if it hasn't been said lately or in a particular way it's not really new, and I'd hate to hear myself ... repeat myself. ("Allow myself to introduce ... myself") Anyway, I was going to make some serious and unnecessarily long post, but instead I think the subject line says it all. Don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone folks, even when things are comfortable eventually it just gets a bit boring. What's next for you?
Don't be afraid to change
by educ8self 4 Replies latest jw friends
I hope you come back soon....
Your posts were always very insightful and mind-opening...
You will always be welcome back....
Wish you weren't leaving!
Well I just don't think it's necessary.. Although on the subject of "the end" let me leave these words of wisdom from George Carlin:
Popular Belief: Life is short.
Sorry. Life is not short, it's just that since everything else lasts so long--mountains, rivers, stars, planets--life seems short. Actually, life lasts just the right amount of time. Until you die. Death, on the other hand, is short.
("Allow myself to introduce ... myself")
Well thanks for "allowing yourself to introduce.....yourself" on this forum. (funny movie) Who can say what's next. Life is so uncertain. But I hope that all of us will strive to be better human beings and alleviated suffering when it is in our power to do so. And not take ourselves too seriously.
Well, I just think it's necessary to change at the right time