Anybody feel qualified to identify this? Particularly among jw's.
Pathological Denial
by freyd 6 Replies latest jw experiences
I just experienced this recently from a dub...
I don't remember what I was saying....but it was just some facts about the WT that they asked me about
and they literally screamed at me, ''I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!''
Does that count?
I would call that psychotic denial, a step down from pathological.
psychotic it is, then
Had a conversation with a relative, who's totally inactive the other day and I would say she's in pathological denial, she is in the I don't want to do it but its still a good thing for some phase. She actually said growing up as a witness is no different than growing up as a catholic or baptist, umm, yeah ok. When's the last time you saw a baptist or catholic hauled into a committee meeting, try 3 o'clock to never!
Back when my grandmother was still around I would try to have a very logical common sense discussion with her about JW doctrine. Every time she would would fly off in a complete rage and attack me for lack of faith. Then she would advise me that I better prepare to die for my lack of faith even though I was not trying to discuss faith at all. Her neck and forehead viens would start pulsating and her finger would be pointing at me and shaking. That was my first and earliest clue that they are not well emotionaly or psychologically.
I was trying to discuss with her about the possibilty of life somewhere else in the universe. That conversation "went south" in just minutes. She threw her bible at me and stormed off saying that I was no longer her grandchild. I had to duck a flying book and get disowned all within seconds. I very politely told her that I hope she does not use this type of communication at the doors.
They are not well by any stretch of the imagination.
They are not well by any stretch of the imagination. BrentR
Yesterday, I was next door installing my neighbors' new comptuer and the neighbor's wife told me that she has been wanting to say something for several years to me but just now has mustered up the confidence that my feelings would not be hurt by her comments.
She said that my still JW ex was mentally unbalanced and when I was at work she would scream and yell at the kids for no apparent reason, go on another neighbor's property and pick their ripe vegetables and fruit out of their garden while they were at work and take the stuff home, take her dogs for walks and lead them onto several neighbor's property by their leashes when they needed to poop, stopped saying "Hi" to all the neighbors as soon as the Christmas decorations were put up around the neighborhood and shunned everyone until the Christmas decorations were removed after Christmas, and was always talking about how bad world conditions were but ran away whenever any neighbor mentioned that Christians were helping people no matter what their religious beliefs with food, clothing and shelter during natural and man-made disasters.
I replied that she was only seeing about 1/10 of my ex and that most JW's were overly concerned about bad world conditions but wouldn't lift a finger to help others.