Did you ever feel an unseen presence in the kingdom hall before, during or after a meeting?
by Honesty 7 Replies latest jw friends
note to self: don't visit Kingdom Halls in Tennessee.
I was in the coatroom once and Pamela Anderson appeared. I did not go back to the auditorium for the next two hours.
quite a presence....oompa
keyser soze
Usually the unseen presence was me.
note to self: don't visit Kingdom Halls in Tennessee. WAC
I don't know what exactly you mean by an unseen presence but if it is the auras of humans and angels they are present everywhere. What I really felt as almost tangible in air was the animosity of the local JWs for an anointed who was at times critical of the FDS.
Nope never have ......but I am afraid to take a bethel tour! I have this "goosebumps" fear of being confronted by a demon like in "The Devils Advocate".
Yes....I am dead serious
Great movie!
Those demon faces were quite disturbing
I'll never visit brooklyn bethel.. I'd rather poke my eyes out with a fork.