The jws just came in our block...

by fullofdoubtnow 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • fullofdoubtnow

    ....but they didn't ring our bell, they know better! They almost did though, one of them was about to when another one of them (there were 4 of them, hunting in packs lol) said "No, don't do that, it's an apostate household!"

    Needless to say, they didn't get much of a reception at the rest of the flats either. Apparently, they managed to sneak in by following a guy who was visiting another tenant, and had been buzzed in himself, which is a bit cheeky to say the least. They're still on the street, but not having any success as far as we can see.

    We were listening to Neil Young when they called, and Trev says this song should maybe be dedicated to them, and played in kingdim halls before every meeting, see what you think


  • Gill

    Good morning, Linda!

    Great to see you posting this morning, you bad and naughty 'apostate lady'!

    Nice to hear that your neighbours have 'received your message' and are not easily duped.

    Much love to you and Trevor!!!



  • fullofdoubtnow

    Thanks Gill, it's good to be here.

    I can't see the jes ever getting anywhere with any of our neighbours, they are far too clued up about them thanks to us. There is also a young girl of about 20 living in another block whose mum is a df'd jw. She never got baptised, and her mum left when she was 10, but she hasn't got anything positive to say about the jws either, so plenty there's of opposition to them in this part of Derby.

    They must love coming down here lol.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Hi Linda

    I was just watching a Showtime Special with Neil Young in Concert last night. I had to put it on the shelf until later due to the Grandmunchkins' insistence on watching another program - but I have it on Video on Demand and will watch it later - I love his music. I shall look at the video you posted a little later. Thanx for that.

    The jw's don't ever come around my house either. In fact, in three years I have not seen them on my road. Once I did see what I believe was two Jw sisters in a mini-van - maybe making a RV somewhere in the area and had to roll past to see what 'apostate' homes look like. LOL

    Hugs to you and Trev.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi Jeff,

    Trev is more of a Neil Young fan than me, but I like some. Trev likes the early stuff best, and the link is from his 2nd album.

    The jws are on this street fairly often, about every 6 weeks. We think it's because they rarely catch people in, and usually can't get into the blocks through the security doors unless someone lets them in, which rarely happens. They can then say they've covered the territory without really speaking to anyone, going through the motions in other words.

    I expect they'll be getting ready for their meeting now, which starts at 1:30 pm. I don't envy them.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    They arrived mob-handed at my house today! I ended up speaking with five!!

    Two who normally only visit next door decided to call on me - so we had a wonderful debate on whether JW's are Jehovah's only organisation, whether they're the only ones spreading the Gospel, the cause of evil in the world, location of God's kingdom and who's gonna die at the big A (Oh - they said thankfully they can't say who will die, that's up to Jehovah, pity nobody told their bosses that!)

    Whilst we were talking, my 'regulars' turned up - they know better than to get into debates with me now () - we're happy agreeing to disagree and I could say with hand on heart that we recognise at least some common ground in our respective beliefs (however little it may be). They're ok folks - even encouraging their son to pursue further education

    I do wonder why the others called though, I'm obviously not on their visiting list as they've never been before, only to the neighbours, and when I mentioned that I already get regular visits, they seemed a bit vague in their response like "Oh yes, we'd heard so-an-so made a regular visit up here"

    It makes me wonder whether they were attempting a little 'poaching', or possibly sent by the KH to 'check me out' - maybe I'm about to be declared bad association for my regular callers? Whatever, something seemed a bit odd about it ...

  • greendawn

    I can recall that you did the right thing and informed other people in the block about who the JWs really are and how they treat you and ex members in general. Let's hope all their visits there will be futile.

  • bluebell

    they never come to us either :)

  • blueviceroy

    I wonder what must it feel like when you wake up one day and suddenly you realize its all been a crock of night soil? Liberating? Angry? Disgusted? Sad?

  • RollerDave

    Yes, all those. and more.

    It's like losing everything. Your fallback thoughts don't hold you up anymore, you think the things you always thought to cope and then have to step back and remeber, 'wait, that won't do anymore' and have nothing to take their place.

    You've viewed the whole world through a filter, and now nothing has context anymore, it all has to be reconsidered.

    Becuase it's all gone, context, habits, coping mechanisms, the past, the future, its all gone and you have to replace it all bit by bit until you are connected again.



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