First used as a study book on Thursday nights?
When was Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God first used as...
by Apostate Kate2 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
Apostate Kate2
It was published in 1966.
Any oldtimers here with a better memory than me?
Homerovah the Almighty
Yes, I think your right Kate, there was allot of pre 1975 propaganda back in those days, the appending Armageddon was due shortly, marketing was in full steam.
Armageddon was always a great commodity for promotion of their literature, not as much today I think because well those self professed prophecies never appeared as an
embarrassment to them, it is still within their doctrines but a little more muted than before.
They were always great masters of holding a carrot out in front of the faces of the general public and whenever a person took a bite they heard a KA - CHING.
a new slave to add to my kingdom
Usually they are studied the following fall the year they come out in. That was the days before pre-assigned paragraphs and book studies weren't "uniform". They changed that because the COs and their wives never could pre-study for the material at hand.
Apostate Kate2
Thanks for that information Blondie. I am in the process of writing about my JW experience. My past was so scattered we moved around more than a Gypsy. My memory of it is even worse. If this is what they did then that means I was 7 years old when the death of my spirit began. My mom kept saying I was much older but I will never forget how excited the grown ups were when this book was announced it was to be studied.
I remember staring at the time line charts pages where the world ended in 1975. I recently bought the book on ebay and distinctly recall reading over and over from page 29 that "six thousand years from man's creation will end in 1975, and the seventh period of a thousand years of human history will begin in the fall of 1975"
When you're a kid you believe with all your heart that the grown ups are telling the truth. From that day I lived in terror of what was to come.
I was 6, so it was 1967. Yes, I remember it.
I just got one free that came into the bookstore where I work. We don't put out any used JW books. So, the ones that interest me I keep.
The 60's were a jolly time for the Watchtower Society.
I remember when it was released at the DC in 1966. Word spread like wildfire about the chart that showed the 1,000 years reign beginning in 1975. We studied this material at the book study and Clyde was the conductor. He had a hard time with it.
Apostate Kate2
It is strange piecing your life together via Watchtower books.
What about the pink Paradise lost book? It was one for kids. When was it published and used as a child's home study book?
That was the very first book I "studied"