Confronting Our Parents. Part 1

by jakes 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • jakes

    During Winter school holidays here in South Africa,my wife and I decided to travel down to our hometown
    to confront our parents about the JW issue.We felt we needed to clear the air and let them know what our
    standpoint regarding the JWs are,and why we will not be raising their grandchildren in the org.
    Once and for all we needed to get this behind us.We needed to tell them about my book and felt it would
    be unfair for them to find out via the media.

    We decided to confront my dad first.I got all the documents ready,especially the ones regarding the U.N.
    issue and the child sexual abuse issues.As we stayed with my mother-in-law while we were down there,I
    gave him a call and asked if we could come over to discuss some important issues.He obliged and told us
    to come round after the bookstudy.We arrived and settled in.Dad made us tea and brought us some cake.I then
    broke the ice ."Dad,what we are about to tell you and Mom will affect you more than Mom,"was what I said.
    My Mom never took to the Watchtower and remained a Congregationalist Church member all these years."You
    probably have been wondering why we as a family have not been attending meetings and conventions over the
    past few years?"I asked.Dad never really confronted me on the issue and would on occasion say that I should
    get my spirituality back up.I then proceeded to talk about the research I had done into the org and what
    triggered the whole thing.I systematically told him what used to bother me while growing up in "the truth"
    I backed up my statements with copies of the transcripts with regard to the U.N. issue and child sexual
    abuse issues.

    Believe me,it was very hard for me to do this as I respect and love him very much and I knew this would
    be a great disappointment to him.However, I felt he needed to here the truth, and that to me was very
    important.My Dad is a very kind and soft-hearted man and very often gets taken advantage of because of his
    soft nature.

    As the discussion progressed I sensed the dissapointment in his eyes.I then mentioned the publication of my
    book and what it is about."Are you saying that you want to DA son?" he asked."I will not DA Dad,as I do not
    see the organization as having any authority over my life anymore."was what I replied.I told him that I was
    baptised before 1985 when people were still baptised in the name of the Father,Son and Holy Spirit.The
    organization DA'd itself from me after 1985 by saying that their baptism is now into the organization.

    He then concluded by saying that we have presented him with food for thought,and that he still loves us no
    matter what happens or what our point of view may be.He assured us that he will not shun us or our
    children.That was all I needed to here from him.I only hope that I have planted some seeds of doubt in is
    mind or I may have watered the ones he probably already had.

    Next: Part 2 - Confronting my Mum-in-law.


  • Paralipomenon

    Kudos for making that stand. It's nice to see your father choosing family over archaic religious teachings.

  • Gayle

    Wow! Your dad sounds wonderful! His response showed he has unconditional love for you! You are blessed!

  • Tara

    You are lucky. You just possibly might have the sweetest dad in the world.

  • RollerDave


    That could have gone a LOT worse, eh?


  • bigmouth

    That was a brave move jakes and I think your Dads response was great, so far. Did your Mum have any comment or did she stay out of it?

  • bigdreaux

    awesome. incredible. if only all dubs were so understanding. congratulations

  • Quandry

    How wonderful that you approached your dad very respectfully and had all your research at hand.You must have impressed him with your sincerity knowldege of subject.

    He then concluded by saying that we have presented him with food for thought,and that he still loves us no
    matter what happens or what our point of view may be.He assured us that he will not shun us or our

    Dad is a special person.

  • ronin1

    I'm am so happy your father has such a great attitude towards your beliefs and feelings.

    I am also grateful that my mother, (even though 5 of her 8 children are no longer active, or are DA or DF) has maintained her love for us and keeps in contact with us. My two brothers who are DA are visiting my mom next month and she always looks forward to their visits.

    My husband and I visited my mom back in June and she was so happy to see us. She does not care if we are no longer active.

    She understands and knows the hypocrisy of the org and even though for personal reasons she stays and attends the meetings, etc.-she does not shun any of her children.

    I wish more former JW's could have this type of support from their parents.

    P.S.- My father is deceased.


  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    Wow, what a fabulous explanation you gave and no better response could have come from your dad!!! Outstanding all around!!!

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