Well the Witnesses Now for Jesus Convention in Oct. is just around the corner. It'll be my first time at this event and I'm looking forward to it!! In the past I have try to attend, but like always, something came up. This time I'm going and have already made room reservations.Anyone on this board been to this event in past? Would love to hear your input and hope to meet some of you there.
W NJ C Oct. 19-21 in PA Anyone experiences of past conventions?
by Invetigator74 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'm on my way to work, but maybe I can respond in the morning. I have been to the conference twice, and I had a good time.
I have been every year since 1987...... It is the happiest time of my whole life.
Wonderful friends there ----testimonies of those who have left the WT.Lots of fun... also...If you go dont bother to wear your suit. Jeans are fine. there are 7 going from Canada that I know of, lots from Japan...It is WONDERFUL
Will look forward to meeting youGrace Gough
I've been there every year since 2000. looking forward to it; it's a high point of the year every year.
Ok, Im gonna have to make this quick as Im on my way to Nashville for the Exodus conference.
Anyway I went to the WNFJ conference in 2004 and 2005. I really had a good time and met many different X-Witnesses. The testimonies and the presentations are enjoyable and never boring.
In the lobby there are several booths set up by various ministries and you can find anything you need concerning the JW's--books,tapes,brochures, etc etc etc.
They have a cafeteria in the basement and they serve 3 buffet meals a day, and the food was good too.
The only downside for me is that most of the people attending are from the Northeast, there werent anyone from Ky or Tennessee, and the only people from Ohio were from the Northeast part of the state. Sybil (Dayton Ohio) does go also.
I went with the intention of meeting some local people, but I was the only one from "down south", with the exception of a couple of Florida people.
All in all the experience was good, along with the camraderie.
Oh you will also learn a little bit about Mormonism and other Cults too, but still mostly about JW's.
Typically there are about 200-300 people there.
Well I gotta run now, I hope this helps.
By the way, I did give my "abridged" testimony there back in 2005, it is titled "No way out" -
I might be in for a suprise , I'm from a northern state (NY). Maybe there might be someone there I haven't seen in ages!!Looking forward to the whole event!