anyone have anything to comment or add to or rfor the bs this week the supposed talk resolutions nonsense off the twenties in ridculous for anyone to believe but people just sit there and suck it up. When I have asked for what proof that these resolutions had anything to do with revelation I get no response but instead get marked as a doubted or troublemaker. I would love to have some back ground for tonights study. does anyone out there have anything they would like to add? or offer???? tks in advance
bookstudy 9/10/7
by buffalosrfree 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
I don't even keep up with it anymore .... I don't know where they are in that book!
AK - Jeff
These res were supposed to put the world on notice - ask why the world never heard of the notice they were given.
Those resolutions started during the time the WTS was teaching the world was going to end in 1925. You would think that if the resolutions had any connection to the system's end, that end would have arrived fairly soon after they were announced.
Instead, the world has gone on for 8 more decades. The walls of Jericho came tumbling down immediately after the 7th time around (if the Bible story can be believed). The system didn't come down after these 7 resolutions.
You can't say this at the bookstudy, but the resolutions were more to whip up fervor among believers than anything else.
Burger Time
Tell them you want to see a copy of The Finished Mystery since it says there are revelations about revelations in it. Or at least the old one said that. Also ask why after the great cleansing that happend in 1919 Witnesses still celebrated Christmas and did other "wrong" teachings like used the cross up until the 40's or 50's? What exactly got cleansed?
These res were supposed to put the world on notice - ask why the world never heard of the notice they were given.
If that wasn't so funny it would be sad. Just got over the war and living in a depression and these numb nuts are telling them that they are going to die at Armageddon very soon, what the
happend in 1919 Witnesses still celebrated Christmas and did other "wrong" teachings like used the cross up until the 40's or 50's? What exactly got cleansed?
I thought that was new light, thats what they would say, the catholics never celebrated xmas up until the early century so maybe they had the light before the JW's