Sept. KM QB. Endorse vs. Approve. Tempest in a teapot?

by Open mind 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Not really. I think this horse is nearing unconsciousness, but I'll beat it a few more times.

    The whole Sept 07 Kingdom Ministry Question Box hinges around the word "ENDORSE", IMHO.

    Some apologists are saying, "Hey this is not a big deal. The F&D Slave isn't saying they don't "APPROVE" of JWs doing these things, they're just saying that they don't officially, publicly, "ENDORSE" them."

    At first glance that sounds logical and I think that's exactly how the Society wants it to look. An outsider reading the QB will see it that way.

    At second, third & fourth glances though, a problem of motive arises. Why even have this QB if it's to be taken strictly at the dictionary definition of "ENDORSE"?

    To illustrate:

    Question from Readers:

    Q: Does the Faithful & Discreet Slave ENDORSE the New York Yankees?

    A: No.

    Do you see the problem with a strict dictionary definition of "ENDORSE"? The F&D Slave doesn't endorse sports teams, peanut butter or fruit smoothies. Do we have QBs about these? Of course not.


    They used the word "ENDORSE" to appear reasonable to an outside observer or to JWs who are beginning to wonder if the Organization is getting too controlling. In practice, the word must be understood as "APPROVE" by the rank & file. If it's anything less than "APPROVE" why even print the QB in the first place? Once again the F&D Slave is trying to have it both ways and, for most JWs, will succeed.

    I would be particularly interested to hear Rosalee's thoughts on this matter.

    Open Mind

  • OnTheWayOut

    Notice the comments from the author of CAPTIVES OF A CONCEPT on page 2
    of the thread, Book: Captives of a Concept-... Illusionary Concept That Holds JW's Captive (thread) (page 2)

    Nice insight on the terms and words used in the article.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro


    I agree that their choice of words (as always) is designed to give one impression to the rank & file and another impression to any outsider. Of course, the KM is designed for active JWs so there is less pressure there but surely the service department knows that all written articles get analyzed.

    Interestingly enough, I looked up both definitions.

    Main Entry: en·dorse
    Pronunciation: in-'dors, en-
    Variant(s): also in·dorse / in- /
    Function: transitive verb
    Inflected Form(s): -dorsed; -dors·ing
    Etymology: alteration of obsolete endoss, from Middle English endosen, from Anglo-French endosser, to put on, don, write on the back of, from en- + dos back, from Latin dorsum
    1 a: to write on the back of; especially: to sign one's name as payee on the back of (a check) in order to obtain the cash or credit represented on the face b: to inscribe (one's signature) on a check, bill, or note c: to inscribe (as an official document) with a title or memorandum d: to make over to another (the value represented in a check, bill, or note) by inscribing one's name on the document e: to acknowledge receipt of (a sum specified) by one's signature on a document
    2 a: to approve openly <endorse an idea>; especially: to express support or approval of publicly and definitely <endorse a mayoral candidate> b: to recommend (as a product or service) usually for financial compensation <shoes endorsed by a pro basketball player>
    synonym see APPROVE

    Main Entry: ap·prove
    Pronunciation: &-'prüv
    Function: verb
    Inflected Form(s): ap·proved; ap·prov·ing
    Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French apruer, approver, from Latin approbare, from ad- + probare to prove -- more at PROVE
    transitive verb
    1obsolete: PROVE, ATTEST
    2: to have or express a favorable opinion of <couldn't approve such conduct>
    3 a: to accept as satisfactory <hopes she will approve the date of the meeting> b: to give formal or official sanction to : RATIFY <Congress approved the proposed budget>
    intransitive verb: to take a favorable view <doesn't approve of fighting>
    - ap·prov·ing·ly / -'prü-vi[ng]-lE / adverb
    synonymsAPPROVE, ENDORSE, SANCTION, ACCREDIT, CERTIFY mean to have or express a favorable opinion of. APPROVE often implies no more than this but may suggest considerable esteem or admiration <the parents approve of the marriage>. ENDORSE suggests an explicit statement of support <publicly endorsed her for Senator>. SANCTION implies both approval and authorization <the President sanctioned covert operations>. ACCREDIT and CERTIFY usually imply official endorsement attesting to conformity to set standards <the board voted to accredit the college> <must be certified to teach>.

    So, endorse is a stronger verb than approve. And it is possible that they can spin that while they don't ENDORSE outside research, they don't necessiarly disapprove of such research. They just don't think its a recommended course of action. The more I study the WT literature with the understanding of how they word things to trigger certain responses (thanks Blondie), the more 1) impressed I am by their evil genius and 2) sick to think I actually thought they were used by God.


    What a wonderful mindless puzzle..Endorse or Approve..???.....In the end..Anything that is not WBT$ Endorsed,is not WBT$ Approved.....The WBT$ knows it.JW`s know it..But..It`s just another "WBT$ Elephant" in the living room,no one wants to acknowledge...OUTLAW

  • Hoping4Change

    It was very clear during the discussion that even studying Hebrew and Greek was neither endorsed nor approved. The discussion I heard very clearly pointed out that the F&DS give food aplenty and the purpose of the R&F was field ministry, "not" studying Greek and Hebrew and determining the accuracy of the NWT. Between the comments from the platform and from those in attendance, I had all I could to to keep from vomiting and storming out the door. Absolutely unbelievable stuff. I wish the general public knew that this organization of "Bible Students" are actually cautioned and counselled against actually studying the the original languages the Bible was written in. I didn't just interpret what I read in the QB, but it what was expressed during discussion of it as well. ugh... (sorry for the rant)

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Anybody seen Rosalee today?

  • Shawn10538

    Excellent post open mind.

  • nvrgnbk

    Great post, man!

    Once again the F&D Slave is trying to have it both ways

    That's what those jokers always do.

    They break you down psychologically that way, leaving you vulnerable to their insidious mind control.

    Thanks, Om.

  • MadTiger

    Excellent post. I am sure there is a clinical term or phrase used to describe the psycho-social manipulation they are using:

    "Well, we aren't giving it a thumbs up, and WE ARE THE BOSSES, but do what you want."

    The pressure is there to view the situation in the SAME light as the GB/FDS does. It is the nature of the relationship.

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