just wondering any tips you might have
by orbison11 8 Replies latest jw friends
just wondering any tips you might have
i think nvrgnbck is the expert of hair salons here. lol he just had a thread of his adventures there.
I have a close friend that runs a very high end salon and it is doing well. real high end products they sell too, but cant think of anything bu AVeda right now and am not sure if that is it. What are you looking for?
I think upsidedown (sp) owns one but hasn't posted in along time.
The shop must be keeping them busy.
thanks will look for him
just dos/dont,
percentages, product mark ups, etc
orbison. my ex-wife and sister are stylists. i know very little. what i do know is location is very important. also, do not be afraid to charge alot. for some reason, it actually helps business if your in the right area. good luck.
thanks all, being a female xjw, i came out with no money (had a 250K house, etc), a suitcase and yuky credit and very low self esteem
but i had me:) so my rates were not the highest,,just raised them,,higher end,,heck i still get tips,,and none quit, lol
so that is true about your rates,,dont be afraid,,,,
Raising your rates.
That's the way to go.
Who wants to be known for being cheap?
You want to be known for the full experience provided.
Good luck!
No, but I did get my hair cut at one today.