Why Mature Men Don't Ask for Directions When We're Lost
Okay it all comes down to pride.
We're out there driving around in our own vehicle, burning gas, wearing sunglasses, looking good.
People who see us driving by would never guess that we have no idea where we are. And we don't want to tell them.
Men don't enjoy the concept of going up to total strangers and saying "You may not know this but I'm a moron."
In contrast the woman we're traveling with is often very anxious to share this knowledge with the world. It somehow eases her burden.
To women, getting lost on a trip is a blameless act of nature - to men it's a personal failure. He knew where he was when he left home - he doesn't know where he is now. Somewhere along the line he crossed the line from the world he knows into the world he doesn't know.
To a man this is how he felt when he got married or had kids. If he admits he's lost in the car, he'll have to admit that he's lost everywhere and that's way too much to ask.
So just bite your tongue and circle the block a few more times. Men aren't lost, they just go the long way.