Memorial Program - Plane Crash Tragedy

by What-A-Coincidence 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Jim Osborne
    Age: 50
    Baptized: 1971—36 years
    Married 29 years 4 months 9 days to his bride Donna
    Full time service since 1984
    RBC Account Servant, Elder, Congregation Book Study Overseer,
    Assembly Overseer, Circuit & District Assembly Speaker

    Leon Rosko
    Age: 56
    Baptized: 6/20/87 with his wife, Cathy—20 years
    Married 30 years to Cathy on May 25, 1977
    Children: Remus, Rebecca & Jesse
    Full time service since 1999
    RBC Member, Elder, Congregation Secretary,
    Congregation Book Study Overseer

    Randy Walp
    Age: 55
    Baptized: 6/30/79—28 years
    Married 30 years to wife, Cindy
    Children: Rosa & Alice; Grandson Adrian
    Full time service for 24 yrs, with his wife
    RBC Member, Elder, Presiding Overseer, Congregation Book Study Overseer,
    Assembly Overseer in Chattanooga, Circuit & District Assembly Speaker

    Craig Clark
    Age: 57
    Baptized: 1963—44 years
    Married 38 years to Wife, Karen
    Children: Angela & Chad; Grandchild Connor; Father, Herb
    RBC Member, Elder, Congregation Secretary, Congregation Book Study
    Overseer, Circuit & District Assembly Speaker

    Gerald Booth
    Age: 65
    Baptized: 1957 with his sister—50 years
    Married 44 years to wife Sharon
    Children: Michael Gerald Booth
    Full time service since 1961
    RBC Chairman, Elder, Presiding Overseer, Congregation Book
    Study Overseer, Circuit & District Assembly Speaker

  • AlphaOmega

    Thanks for this WAC.

    I won't ask how... but thanks.

  • Scully

    All of them are listed as being in "full time service", some of them along with their wives.

    I'm guessing the WTS isn't helping the widows and orphans financially.

  • OnTheWayOut

    All of them are listed as being in "full time service", some of them along with their wives.

    I'm guessing the WTS isn't helping the widows and orphans financially.

    I don't want to derail the somber thread with that side issue, but
    if they do it for them, they might be expected to do it for other full time servants.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Jah will provide for their many years of faithful service because he will not forget what you have done for his name

  • ronin1

    Thanks for the post. However, I could not download.

  • Locutus of Borg
    Locutus of Borg

    Time and unforseen circumstance befall us all.

    We are just dust on the scales.

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