I recently attended a wedding of two nominal Witnesses
who couldn't use the Kingdom Hall because they were
irregular/in active in field service - although fairly
social in the congregation. Of course, most of the elders
attended and ate their reception food and danced - even
though they weren't 'good enough' to use the hall. In
addition, the father didn't give the bride away or eat
with everyone celebrating - he's df'd.
I also went to a funeral of somebody that drifted away
years ago - they put on a non denominational service
that was an attempt at kindness in a tragedy. Some
Witnesses present bristled at talk of an immortal soul
and non-Witnesses felt compelled to apologize for the
service, so as not to offend Witness sensibilities.
These things make me angry and disgusted at the endless
arrogance of Witness 'culture' - in effect, getting
everyone else to tolerantly kowtow to THEIR intolerant
wishes. It really shows you how so many 'WORLDLY' people
have become more kind, forgiving, letting the 'spoiled
brats' have their way - while petty theocrats continue
morally frozen in their narrow Taliban culture of
sectarian separatism.