Excellent points, blueviceroy.
All delivering a mesage in complete unity the world over
by blueviceroy 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
We must act to-geth-er as one.
In-de-pen-dence, wisel-y we shun.
Har-mo-ny and one-ness of mind
Bring peace of the rar-est kind.
U - ni - ty re-wards us so well - With Je - ho - vah God we thus dwell.
YEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is only one time when it's wise for everyone to believe in the same thing. And that's when it is the absolute truth, taken in context and fully integrated into experience. An example is that almost everyone today believes that the earth is a sphere, because there is proof of it. People believe in genes, because scientists have actually seen the genome and have altered genes with predictable results.
Most fields, there is still much to be learned. Take medicine, for instance. It is not well for everyone to believe the same thing until facts become established as the absolute truth. I personally believe that vitamins and herbs are more valuable than drugs and surgery at maintaining health, but there are many people that believe that drugs are better (and neither will win out until one side or the other is proven with valid research).
Religion is also like that. There is no sound proof that Jehovah's Witnesses are the truth. There is no sound proof that any of the religions are truth, nor is there sound proof that God exists or, if He does, that He is really all-benevolent. Until someone can actually prove these things as the truth, people are going to believe different theories. Some will believe what the Tower teaches them. Others will believe what the churches teach, or that God does not exist, or that God is the most horrible, wicked axxhole imaginable and that Satan attempted to set man free only to be punished by the Almighty Tyrant for doing so.
The benefits of different beliefs are clear. Each side tests out their theories, and ultimately proof is reached that one side is thr truth. Ideally, we search for the truth in this fashion, make a few mistakes and even fall for a few scams, and then learn. It's when one side assumes the power of law, whether in medicine or religion, while other sides still have not been proven decisively false that we run into trouble. Having unity where one side hasn't emerged a clear winner is dangerous and prevents the truth from ever being found. We should work toward finding the absolute truth; that involves different beliefs tested with fully integrated honesty until one is proven the truth. Only then can we actually have unity and benefit from it.
The hijacking of religion to make money and to constuct a corporation is as fundamentaly evil as molesting children hmm