The WTS. a modern false prophet that wants devotion, dedication and money

by Homerovah the Almighty 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    There is a fairly well done video on You tube that goes through most of the history of the JWS I thought I would post it in case some of you haven't seen it yet

    It's in two parts and both are worth watching here's part one

    And here is part two I kind of thought the end of part two was a little dodgy, but for most part the video is thought provoking.

    It kind of leaves me the impression of what a power playing and opportunistic role playing game that religion can offer if your into it enough

    and lets not forget the commercial side of it either

  • freyd

    Wanting devotion, dedication and money sounds a lot like the medical/legal professions

  • Rooster


  • greendawn

    These end of times prophecies are the centre of their money making scheme, in fact they got their 1914 date from the adventists and like all other adventist dates it failed, it's just that the JWs were very good at making money out of them and exploited it to the full degree.

    The WTS is a business appearing as a religion using prophecy to draw victims in and exploit them for its own gain.

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