Yearbook 1994 p.180-189 "1919 {after Russell died} drawing away most of the brothers for themselves, the opposers gained control of the legal corporation {Bible Students Association inc.} ...this resulted in the loss of the meeting place of the Warsaw Congregation...the registration of "The Bible Student Association Group 2" was composed of brothers loyal to the society..{after 1925 failed prophecy} Warsaw Congregation was sharply divided...out of 300 brothers, only 30 remained loyal to the Society, Of 150 persons in Lodz only 3 brothers and 6 Sisters loyally continued to meet together...three of these opposition groups exist today...the work being done by the "Faithful Slave' had to start almost even "Bible Students Association Group 2" was under control of Apostates."
It goes on to say, the Polish government refused to register a "Group 3." However one Apostate from the first group comes back into the truth! He handed back his legal authority to the branch servant who was able to stay registered. Lucky Polish Witnesses!