Well, I asked my wife about the meeting she went to on Thursday and how the Question Box part went. The good news, for me, is that she agrees with me that the FDS is obviously trying to clamp down on independent thinking and is being very contradictory. She said she had in mind during the meeting the scripture about "where 2 or more are gathered in my name, there I am also" and also the scripture about the Boreans.
A "super elder," i.e. company man, made the comment during the part that the Society is "forbidding independent study using anything other than the Society's publications." However, a very well balanced and intelligent brother well-known for his habit of independent research promptly made a follow up comment saying that "No, the Society is merely saying that it cannot endorse independent study not using it's publications. The society isn't forbidding this when in fact they themselves have to do it in order to create the publications." No one disagreed with this, at least openly.
When I heard this from my wife, I was thinking that there is hope for the congregation yet. There are a few who speak their minds and don't swallow everything from the publications and the platform without critically analyzing it.