What if an "annointed" sister legally challenged GB for her appointment?

by fedorE 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • fedorE


    Of course they would disfellowship her faster than ...but if they included all races...the time could feasibly come when someone legitamately challenges the descrimination of having no woman on the GB..Recently the law said a "fraternity" must allow women into its male brotherhood. I can't help but wonder how ABSOLUTELY incredible it would be if somehow someway a member of the "annointed" went through the American court system and forced the GB to appoint her to a place as the first women on the GB... a womans touch!......revolutionary....lol...

  • BFD

    I think a fraternity is differnt from a religion. Women are not allowed to be catholic priests either.

    However, I think it would be totally acceptable for an annointed sister to challenge the GB as long as she wore a snot rag on her head.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Can't happen at this stage.

    If the sista's want to take charge, they must start at the lower levels first, MS, then Elder, CO, DO, then try for GB.


  • ex-nj-jw
    However, I think it would be totally acceptable for an annointed sister to challenge the GB as long as she wore a snot rag on her head

    ROFLMAO - BFD you made me spit coffee all over my screen. I should know better than reading JWD and drinking anything!

    Thanks for the early morning laugh


  • OnTheWayOut

    I am with AK-Jeff. If the U.S. law allows the WTS to keep from appointing women at
    lower levels, they don't stand a chance for a lawsuit at higher levels.

    The lawsuit would be fantastic, though. I could see the WTS lawyer argument that
    being anointed is not a proven fact, because it's just a feeling and there are many
    who are mistaken about that feeling. "No anointed sister would question the postings
    to the Governing Body, therefore she's not anointed." Something like that. There would
    be new letters to BOE on putting anointed "sisters" (and some brothers) in their place.

    Lawyers would be making money. JWD would have a bunch of new stuff to talk about.
    Fun all around.

  • greendawn

    That's the issue, it's not just the JWs but even mainstream Christian religions, the Catholics, the Orthodox and I think most mainstream protestant groups that don't allow women to hold religious offices.

    This will be seen as an inside religious issue that the courts have no authority to interfere with.

  • lesterd

    A "good" sister would never challenge the GB or usurp her submissive position. Have you never noticed that a a rule the anointed outside the GB are quite and demenutive, dosile creatures that are seen but not heard?

  • fedorE

    THE main arguement is Discrimination. The 'sister" and lawyer could make the case there existed women on the gb in the 1st century model...and argue discrimination. Discrimination overrules religion. Im just thinking out loud...prolly be squashed but .. i used to know a "annointed" sister who wanted to be served "hand and foot"..some ppl did and some ppl really disliked her. All it takes for this case is the "right" candidate..LOL

  • OnTheWayOut

    There was no Governing Body in the first century and the JW fantasy version of the first century GB
    was older men and apostles- all male. Trying to state that there were women on the GB in the
    first century would only strengthen the case for JW lawyers, as the plaintiff clearly doesn't know
    what she should believe or what she agreed to be a follower of. Sorry to blast ya, but you should
    know the truth.

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