1995-2005 Figures= 10 Years 2 Million Apostates???

by Witness 007 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Since Russells time to now, how many Apostates are there in the world??

    Take one example: Figures for 1995-2005 Publishers UP 1,413,934

    Baptized UP- 3,306,223

    Missing Publishers- 1,892,289 ???

    If you factor in those that died in the 10 year period that is still alot of missing publishers compared to baptizms! In my Congregation 35% are inactive publishers including me. Even in Russell's time his own wife and stepdaughter Rose Ball turned Apostate. So, the total figure would be in the millions.

  • Gopher

    Out of the 1.8 million or so who no longer publish "the good news of the kingdom", there are likely still a good number who believe JW's have the truth but they will die at Armageddon. Quite a few felt that way before "the good news on the Internet" reached them.

  • moshe

    By my calculations there are more inactive/former JW's than active ones. - that includes all the dead JW's, too- as they are inactive, aren't they?

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    How many Witnesses would die in a 10 year period...maybe 50,000 approx?

  • sir82

    Figuring approximately 1% mortality for those years, it would be about 60,000 deaths per year times 10 years = 600,000 deaths.

    But that still leaves over a million "disappearances".

    Of course, you need to take into account (1) "new publishers" does not have an exact correspondency to "newly baptized" - usually a unbaptized publisher becomes baptized after several months or a year, but in the case of children, they may continue on as "unbaptized publishers" for many years, and

    (2) Not all of those 1 million or so have become "apostate". I would venture that the vast majority have simply become "inactive", stopped turning in field service reports. Many of them are still tied to the congregations, attending meetings & assemblies, etc. Probably a great many of them still believe it is the "truth", they just can't keep up on the hamster wheel any more.

    But it is still a significant number!

  • Metamorphosis

    Whatever it is, it's still too low a number, for sure!


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    These same figures apear in other decades especially after 1975 major decline in pubs.

  • greendawn

    There is no doubt that the WTS is unable to retain a large percentage of its members. Fortunately, I would say, they are incapable of making the changes that would do away with their more extreme policies something that would keep in many of those leaving.

  • The-Borg

    Don't forget all the insiders trapped because of cowardice and family members.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007


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