My front neighbour is studying with an elder.
He went to his first meeting at the memorial last April. Then he went back another time a month ago.
He went to his 3nd meeting yesterday.
Today I saw him and asked him if he went to the hall recently, and he told me he went yesterday.
On Saturday I noticed an elders car in front of here, so I knew he was visited by an elder.
Today he told me that he liked the 45 min talk, but found the Watchtower study sooooo long.
I asked if he will go back next week, and he said no.
The way he talks, he is just curious and went to see once more.
I'M afraid he will eventually be a Dub.
I asked him if the elder was giving him a bible study, and he said not yet, but he will soon.
I don't understand why he is accepting to be visited when he told me that he was just interested reading the bible, but didn't want to go door to door, didn't want to go to Sunday afternoon meetings, and found the meetings so long.
But still, he is falling into the JW trap. I can see it.....................