I picked up a copy of a special edition of U.S.News and World Report. The title is "Mysteries of History -- Secret Societies" In the article on p. 60, America's Cult Culture, the subtitle says "The U.S. has long been a breeding ground for bizarre new religions." Then on pg. 61, it says: "By 1900, the most active of the new sects included apocalyptic movements like the Watchtower Society (later the Jehovah's Witnesses) and the Adventists, and metaphysical healing sects like Christian Science and the various schools of New Thought." See....they are thought of as a cult.
Watchtower Society gets mentioned in U.S. News & World Report Mag.
by journey-on 6 Replies latest jw friends
See....they are thought of as a cult.
By many former members, at that.
Until they go mainstream they will be considered a cult.
Is this perhaps the reason why they are telling people not to trust news stories that bash the Watchtower Society?
I notices that I used the word until, when I should of used the word unless they go mainstream. Until implies that one day they will go mainstream.
aren't they considered a religion in some parts of the world?
aren't they considered a religion in some parts of the world?
Yes they are considered a religion. A cult is a special breed of religion. (BTW -- The US News report used SECT not CULT. There is an important difference. A sect is a movement that divides off from a main body. JW's are considered breakaways from Protestant Christianity.)