Howdy ya'll.
I've been gone for a while, splitting hairs and infinitives, but I'm back, new and improved. 100% natural and fully refundable. Since my last visit to this delightful establishment, I have learned the Truth, that everything I know is wrong. I believe this in my heart of hearts, well, just because. (Can I get an Amen?)
It seems only right, given the increasingly shrill and reactionary nature of the US of freaking A, that equal time be given to all those in search of truth, justice, and armageddon. Preferably in San Quentin or another fine and secure establishment. Just like a brand new Cadillac I come fully loaded, but this time with the real story for you up to now, Proof and everything, and I don't mean 86 proof. No, this here is 100 proof undiluted Truth Fo Sho. The Light at the End of The Tunnel, the Pot O' Gold at the End of the Rainbow.
"If something is worth doing at all, it's worth doing right." I must have heard that a thousand times or more growing up and growing old. I'll bet you have too. If not, it's high time to start. I believe in this advice because, well, just because. (Can i get another Amen?) It seems we have False Brethren in our midst, helicopters in sheeps dungarees, and other nefarious schemers and ne'er do wells. These folks call themselves "Bible believers" and "Scientifc Creationists" as well as "Brother" and "Sister." (Do I smell incest or incense?) Now, don't brit a shick but I have learned that most "Bible believers" do not really believe God's Wholly Holy All Wise and Wizardly Word of Wonder. Instead of believing all of God's Utterances, Jehovah's Own Words, they prefer to treat the Bible, par TIC ularly those sections dealing with Origins (not the long dead heretic), in a Willy Nilly fashion. This of course has rather upset Brother Nilly and he has filed suit.
However, I have come to expose these false brethren before they can make like Tom's Dick N Harry with the rest of you fine and godly folks.
This here web-site exposes those who would DENY God's Holy WORD! Yes it does! GLORY Blessed JESUS!
The Bible is clear, clear as the complexion on your face, that the Earth is flat, immovable and hangs upon nothing. The whole Copernican Revolution was actually carried out by the Illuminati, and DIE christliche WELT--the Christian world--denied God's word just because that Galileo fellow came along with his devil tube and showed supposed planets revolving around one of God's tiny light bulbs in the sky that we call JOOPITER.
Bear with a as I take a moment to confer with my dearest pal Jim Beam. Thank you.
Now, it seems to me that if'n we're going to stand UP stand UP for CHEESE-US then we need to be thorough going and recognize that a monstrous lie has been perpetrated upon all mankind starting with some guy somewhere who did or said something to someone. Probably high or demon possessed. Definitely in need of some new light. Anyway, it's time for TROO Bibe believers to expose thmselves to the world.
Be sure to wear a ski mask.
Bye for now.
by FireNBandits 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Huh? What?
Amen and DOUBLE Amen - I'm now a believer! Forgive me the error of my past ways and ignorance. I devote myself, your humble servant, to the all inspired truth of truths now and shed off the mangy sin ridden flesh of decay and turmoil that once I considered Life but know now to only have been the seed of SATEN's aspirations!
How dare I believe the false scientists! When they said the earth was round, when they said it rotated around the sun and turned on it's axis - what proof did I have? None - I personally had not seen it, but blindly followed their evil spewings and ended up covered in their spittle. Bless ye for letting me see the light once again!
There are no doubt many organisations and individuals that are not genuine in their religious beliefs but there also exceptions.
Levitating Globe
"An electromagnet and computerized sensor hidden in its
display stand cause the Earth to levitate motionlessly in the air. "Could God have engineered something like that for the real Earth?
The Bible and all real evidence confirms that this is precisely what He did, and indeed:
The Earth is not rotating...nor is it going around the sun.
The universe is not one ten trillionth the size we are told.
Today’s cosmology fulfills an anti-Bible religious plan disguised as "science".
The whole scheme from Copernicanism to Big Bangism is a factless lie.
Those lies have planted the Truth-killing virus of evolutionism
in every aspect of man’s "knowledge" about the Universe, the
Earth, and Himself.