Rare books by John H. Paton--PDFs! Here are some rare books by "John H. Paton" which (Day Dawn), were books that Charles Russell based his "Millennial Dawn" books on, and some other books by Paton. Click the (yellow) download button at the bottom left of the next page of the (filesend) links. 1890 Day Dawn or The Gospel in Type and Prophecy! http://books.google.com/books?id=Izo3AAAAMAAJ&pg=PA221&dq=John+H.+Paton&ie=ISO-8859-1#PPP9,M1 Or download using this link. http://www.filesend.net/download.php?f=bc793639d07c578652e51c2152d79705 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1892 The Perfect Day. http://books.google.com/books?id=3jo3AAAAMAAJ&pg=PA15&dq=John+H.+Paton&ie=ISO-8859-1#PPA3,M1 Or download using this link. http://www.filesend.net/download.php?f=2e44f0b5ee9f3755ac51fd9699c2792d --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are 2 books combined here: 1. 1896 Moses And Christ or The Plan Of The World's Salvation. 2. 1896 The Great Revelation or God's Love, Purpose, And Plan--(your computer page counter will show the second book starting on page 199) http://books.google.com/books?id=Pzo3AAAAMAAJ&dq=John+H.+Paton&ie=ISO-8859-1 Or use this link to download. http://www.filesend.net/download.php?f=67654fadef32f4cdd2c6ccfb9a72adcb Cheers! Atlantis-
Rare books by "John H. Paton"--PDFs!
by Atlantis 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks a lot Atlantis !!!
Cheers! Atlantis-
moggy lover
Great work, Atlantis!! These are truly historic gems.
moggy lover: Thank you old friend! Where have you been keeping yourself mate? Been missing you! Working you overtime, are they? I say, old chap, any truth to this claim?
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Cheers! Atlantis- (Might give a lager a go!)
For all you do, day in, day out,
Scanning, making pdf's, managing the various download sites you need, and then posting,
I've downloaded countless gems from your posts, yet have been remiss in that I don't think I have ever properly thanked you.
I am very glad to have rectified that oversight.
Thank you.