Some info you may want to put into your files when it comes to dealing with those involved in High Control Groups like WT-
Recently we have all seen how many on the net have sent tons of info to their family and friends on the UN issue
Only to be shot down—---This AM I spoke to one Brother who has left the org who was for sure that his sister and her husband would listen
- in fact they have been inactive for 3yrs now and they are turning him in to the local elders-
- while his bro who is at bethel and a bethel elder-- he just said :
"Well Jah uses whatever MEANS he sees fit"
he brushed it off as OK they are working thru the UN-- what else do you have to say ----and when are you going to start back at the meetings
He was brushed off by his elder bro and is being turned in to the local elders by his INACTIVE SISTER AND BRO LAW
I gave him this info to read which is a repost----
we just got off the phone and now he says – it all is starting to make sense-
It has very little to do with truth, facts or proof---- it has to do with the intense INDOCTRINATION OF THE JW
Well here is some info that you may find helpful as well
f we look at Steven Hassans B.I.T.E model we can see the WTS even more clearly:
Behaviour Control - The control of an individual’s physical reality. This can include control of where he lives, what he eats, his clothing, sleep, job, rituals etc. This is why most cults have a stringent schedule for members. There is always something to do in destructive cults. Each cult has its own distinctive set of behaviours that bind it together.
This control is so powerful that the cult member will actually participate in their own punishment and come to believe he actually deserves it! No one can command a person’s thoughts but IF YOU CAN CONTROL BEHAVIOUR THEN HEARTS AND MINDS WILL FOLLOW.
** Tight control of behavior secures the leaders' position of authority and importance.
** The behavior control impresses members and outsiders to view the group as especially spiritual or successful.
** The leaders link the required behavior to their special "revelation" of a text of scripture. However the required behaviors are usually superficial controls, affecting appearances and outward activity rather than inward character. These can include grooming, daily activities, career choices, clothing, specific technology, posture, speech mannerisms, food choices, recreation, education, even decisions about marriage, sex and children. (They usually do not deter moral sin.)
** If a person does not conform, he may be urged to become more like an older group member; to follow the leaders' "example".
** The leaders cannot totally control one's inner thoughts, but if they can command behavior, hearts and minds will usually follow.
** The behavior control isolates the members from society even more effectively.
Information Control- The control of the individuals information sources Deny a person the information needed to make a sound judgment and he will be incapable of doing so. People are trapped in cults because they are denied both the access to the critical information they need to assess their situation. The psychological chains on their minds are just as powerful as if they were locked away physically from society. So strong is this psychological process they also lack the properly functioning internal mechanism to process any critical information placed in front of them
** Important information which is available to the general public is withheld from members and potential members.
** Deception is the basic feature of all cult recruitment. It is also what keeps people inside cults.
** Information is one of the best weapons against cults.
** In cults information about the cult's history, purposes, doctrines, financial disclosures, methods of dealing with problems, counseling, training, and discipline for offenses are kept as confidentail as possible.
** Only those members with trusted status are allowed inside information.
Thought Control- The control of an individual’s thought processes The indoctrination of members so thoroughly that they will manipulate their own thought processes. The ideology is internalised as “the truth”. Incoming information is filtered through the beliefs which also regulates how this information is thought about.
The cult has it’s own language which further regulates how a person thinks. This puts a great barrier between cult members and outsiders.
Another form of control is “thought stopping” techniques. This can take many forms: chanting, meditating, singing, humming, tongues (some even pay money to learn it), concentrated praying, etc. The use of these techniques short-circuits the persons’ ability to test reality. The person can only think positive thoughts about the group. If there is a problem the member assumes responsibility and works harder.
** Truth" and reality are distorted for those inside the group by subtly changing the definitions of common terms with new meanings through the use of code words, cliches, and slogans.
** Different words make the members feel special and separate from outsiders.
** These different words confuse outsiders who want to understand what the group believes and talks about.
** The change in definitions of significant words keeps even the members from understanding their own beliefs.
** Leaders of cults repress questions by conditioning their members to employ "thought-stopping" statements, prayers, hymns, Bible verses, mantras, tongues or rituals to drown out doubt, questions, anxiety or uncertainty. "I can't think about that." "How can you question (the leaders) after all they have done?" etc. The intention is to stop questions regarding the system or leaders.
** The word "faith" is employed in a negative sense. Members are conditioned to view "faith" in terms of blind submission to the leaders, rather than positive certainity in God's love.
** Members are conditioned to feel guilty for any curiosity about what is going on within the group; curiosity is a lack of faith. (Therefore, even after some people leave a mind control group, they may be afraid to examine information which explains the background of their old belief system.)
** Typically, the word "grace" has a different meaning from the Biblical use. The "God" of the group is also different from the God of the Bible. God is defined by, and eventually becomes the group.
Emotional Control - The control of the individuals emotional life This manipulates a person’s range of feelings. Guilt and fear are used to keep control. Cult members cannot see the control by guilt and like other abuse victims are conditioned to blame themselves when things are wrong, even grateful when a leader points our their transgressions.
Fear is used to manipulate two ways. The first is to create an outside enemy (we vs them) who is persecuting you. The second is the fear of punishment by the leaders if you are not “good enough.” Being “good enough” is following the ideology perfectly.
The most powerful emotional control is phobia indoctrination. This can give the person a panic reaction at the very thought of leaving the group. It is almost impossible to conceive that there is any life outside the group. There is no physical gun held to their heads but the psychological gun is just as if not more powerful.
** Guilt, fear and shame are projected onto the members, prompting blame toward themselves for their depression, lack of understanding, anxiety, or inability to cope, rather than examining the leaders, the group's policies, history, doctrines, scandals, and at times, even crimes.
** Phobic attitudes or behaviors are sometimes noticeable when attempts are made to converse with members regarding their belief in the group or its leaders.
** Fear, anger, rage or repetitious statements which only go in circles keep the members from thinking through to any rational conclusions.
** Fear of confrontation with family is common, resulting in very few people being rescued.