I recently watched a movie about a struggle for survival. The story was set in a military prison where a recently incarcerated general led an uprising against a cruel and murderous colonel who happened to be the warden of the prison. The general on newly arriving wanted nothing to do with dissidents saying he had fought all the wars he wanted to. Yet when a young lad he had befriended was killed in cold blood, it moved him to take a stand. He informed the warden he had 24 hours to tender his resignation, as he was unfit to command. This of course led to a confrontation in which an object to designate who won the confrontation, all boiled down to who possessed the “flag” of the compound.
I personally related this story to the struggle between the WT organization and silentlambs. In my opinion, the actions of leadership, by choosing to allow children to be hurt when informed of proper action, has resulted in them being unfit to command or direct people in the name of God. The voices of the many who have been molested are the uprising that has steadily grown to such an extent that now around the world JW’s are being recognized as another religion with serious child molestation problems. In addition, lawsuits will expose the uprising yet further and then you have Dateline, which will no doubt pound the proverbial nails into the coffin, especially if WT chooses to try and stonewall their way through this one. This time it will not work. The roaring of the lambs is the walking papers for WT leadership and they are to stupid to see it coming, much like the warden in the story.
The question remains, what does the flag stand for? I began to think about this, as it really becomes the crux of the entire story. It is no doubt a symbol of who has control, but I think it goes deeper than just that. It is a symbol of something that the party who is in the wrong can no longer possess. Due to poor strategy and unjust acts they are stripped of the right to possess the symbolic “flag.” The “flag” in my opinion stands for honor and integrity. These qualities have been lost by the WT and by doing so they have thus lost the right to provide leadership. It is honor and integrity the organization attacks whenever you get crossways with anything the WT tries to force you to do. They strip you of all self-respect and make you feel you are worthless without them. Yet the honor you have as a person and the integrity you exhibit toward all you come in contact with in life show you to be beyond WT control. When you keep your honor and integrity, in effect you win the battle, you win control of your life.
So I ask a question, are you in possession of the “flag” in your life? If not then WT will always have the upper hand and will beat you down with self-destructive behavior. You have to break free of the programming, seize the real truth that you are what you think. What you think of yourself, your family and how you interact with others will show whether you possess in your character the honor and integrity WT has tried to destroy. If you feel at loss with this, do what ever it takes to get it back, use therapy, medication, or perhaps a little patience and time to heal. In the end, to live your life with honor and integrity will make you proud of who you are and of great value to those that are part of your life.