I'd like to see this debated as well. I find the comments from Gillis suspicious, especially when one compares his first comments in the Guardian newspaper article where he says something like:
"if we are making representations to the UN, we will continue to do so"
compared with his recent email where he in effect says that they just applied for a library card and never signed or agreed to anything. It would seem at least originally, that Mr. Gillis thought the Society was using their UN status to represent certain issues to them.
Stating that access to the UN library was the SOLE PURPOSE in associating themselves with the UN is also contradictory to the Public Affairs comments in the Portugal news story where that person stated that humanitarian reasons were the sole purpose.
At the very least, this matter did not seem to be widely known even in high places until recently and they even presently seem confused.
If it can be proven that the WT used their UN status for anything more than for using their library, then Paul Gillis comments would be obviously false. To state that they never signed anything in this legalistic age where we sign for EVERYTHING, it seems a bit far fetched.