The Calendars

by WTWizard 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    Well, it's that time again. The Watchtower Society is taking requests for calendars once again, for a "voluntary" donation to the Worldwide Pedophile Protection Society. But, what's su special about these calendars? After all, I went to a supermarket and bought a real one for about $10 (and that was full price, including real art work).

    Those theocraptic calendars are quite small. Opened, the whole thing is about 12" X 10", if that. There is a space, for two months, that is about 5 X 7"--I forgot the exact dimensions, but they are tiny. And the boxes are so small that there is barely room for anything. I wonder if those idiots that print these things up realize that, in that tiny space, one has to write down dentist and doctor appointments, theocraptic assignments, your time in field circus, and reminders that have to do with work and school meetings. Where in that tiny box are you supposed to write those things down?

    I suppose they expect everyone to have the same schedule all the time. There are no appointments for anything. Just endless service. And never any holidays, save for that Crapmorial. And they always manage to put in the daily Bible reading for that Crapmorial in the tiny box, precluding a meeting at school or work, or a doctor appointment or that jury duty you have coming a week before the Crapmorial (whether or not you serve, you still have to report or phone in).

    As if the nuisance of not having anywhere to record upcoming events isn't enough, I have noticed that there are no upcoming events! Most worldly people have holiday parties and birthdays to look forward to. But not so the Witlesses! They are supposed to continually screech around in field circus with never a break in the pattern. This just wears a person down quickly--and there is no real joy in field circus.

    And the pictures! Those are pathetic. They are supposed to depict theocraptic events or places in the Middle East. Who in the USA or Europe gives a crap about these areas, since the troops are in Iraq and the maps mostly depict Israel? Besides, those maps are hopelessly out of date. They were up to date when Jesus was on Earth or when the Old Testament was written up, but that was before they developed the infrastructure and altered the surface (plus natural things altered the features). And I am not going to display a picture of Jesus that may or may not be close to accurate, a picture of a meeting as they are depicted in the first century by the Tower, or something else that sets up background for their fairy tale. Hey, if they ban their members from displaying crosses and holiday ornaments, why should I have any of their items on display?

  • uwishufish

    They should give them away as my realestate agent does as well as my bank, lumber yard, Tn Titans, and not to mention my distiller of fine wiskey Brown Forman ( Jack Daniels).

  • Honesty

    Hey now !!!

    I kinda like the Year's Text complete with pictures on the WT Calendars.

    Matt 7:15

    “Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravaging wolves."

  • ferret

    Does anyone know how much they charge for them?

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Everything is bloody smaller or soft cover now that they are cost cutting and can't charge cash for items.

  • WTWizard
    Does anyone know how much they charge for them?

    They don't have any set price since they are on a complete donation basis. However, they do have "comparable value" talks frequently that encourage people to look at how much an "inferior worldly version" would cost, and donate accordingly. The "comparable value" for an "inferior worldly" version is around $10. So, they would like you to donate a minimum of that, though they cannot say so in so many words.

    This is what you get in the "inferior worldly version" of a calendar, and where your $10 actually goes: They have to take artwork. This is usually professional photos. Celebrities are often on these calendars, and they get royalties when they appear on them. There are various other themes, and usually the photos come from archives. When you buy a calendar, you are buying photos from sources that support the theme. This means that if you are buying a calendar with dog pictures, you are supporting people that breed and photograph dogs. If you buy one with weather scenes, you support the people that document these phenomena. You are also paying for the comments that appear along with the picture: this also supports those who study or work with those things.

    You can get worldly calendars for free. Many places of business give them out. Often, charity organizations give out calendars in their pledge drive, for which you are not obligated in any way to pay. School districts often give out calendars for the school year. And, if you have the software, you can make your own (they are not hard to make by hand, either). If you make your own, however, you will not get the artwork that often comes with worldly calendars and you are solely responsible for holiday and moon data.

    With the Tower calendars, anything you give supports the organization. It actually costs a nickel for them to print up and distribute each calendar, not anywhere near $10. They do not have to buy rights to copyrighted photos, nor do they support any organization that supports science or any models. They own (legally or otherwise) all the photos that end up on the calendars. So, next time they suggest with those "implied value" talks that you donate $10 or more, think of where the money actually goes. A portion of it goes to protect pedophiles and silence the victims. I think I will pay my $10 to help support the national parks that provide the photos on my calendars.

  • tula

    I like the Firefighters Calendars.

  • betterdaze

    When I visited Bethel, and was given a private tour of the offices by a long-time couple serving there,
    the smirky husband had a local liquor store calendar prominently displayed on his wall.

    I was taken aback at the time. I work in the corporate world where that would not over well, but Bethel?

    Now, I celebrate his little act of rebellion, and wink and wave to Brother Liquor Store Calendar guy as
    I realize from his smirky behavior that he's probably one of "us" trapped inside the Tower for life.


  • Poztate
    There are no appointments for anything. Just endless service.

    I am shocked.....They have the two most important things listed. Memorial and if you notice EVERY SINGLE SATURDAY for the whole year is MAGAZINE DAY

    My wife had to go through this useless piece of shit for a calender and highlight all the "worldly holidays" for herself. She still thinks it is a great calender. Loves the pictures I guess

    Anybody remember the old calender from the 1930's when they tried to change the months and the days to make it more theocratic ??

    Post it if you got it...Good for a laugh..

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