Church of God=Reverse Trinity doctrine, followers leave, it's bunkrupt!!

by Witness 007 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    World Wide Church of God founded by Hurbert Armstrong 1933 till he died 1986 with hundreds of thousands of followers, airplanes, thier own T.V show, their own colleges, and many properties. It published "The Plain Truth" magazine a rival to "Awake."

    Joseph Tkach took over in 1986 like Rutherford he had some plans of his own! He reversed ALL major Armstrong doctrines and threw out all their founders books! He wanted to join mainstream Christianity.

    Doctrines changed: There is no Trinity, God is One, the Holy spirit is his "force" Jesus his Son. / {Now there is a Trinity 3 in 1 God}

    :Birthdays, Christmas, Easter are Pagan and not followed. / {Now Okay}

    :Jesus died on a stake / {No a Cross}

    Many other doctrines were thrown out basically turning this group into a mainstream Christian group. The result? Christian churches rejoice calling it a "miricle." The religion almost disolves into a hundred groups. Lack of funds {Tithing 10% of wages to church} causes the church to sell all properties and airplanes, publishing and magazine sales drop to record low. This is why the Watchtower won't change it's policy on would shatter the Organisation.

  • JK666

    Either way the WTS is in trouble. If they do not change, the internet will expose them and their corruption. If they do change and clean up their act, and admit they were wrong, they will lose a lot of the rank and file.


  • journey-on

    IMO, the Watchtower Society is going down...and it won't be long. I think the blood issue is going

    to be a major major problem for them in the near future.

    Doctrines like the Trinity, Hellfire, Christmas and other holidays, Stake vs. Cross are minor. These

    things aren't that important in matters of daily life. Their followers couldn't care less about these things.

    But blood transfusions? Yeah...that's a biggie! Thousands have died because of that doctrinal policy and more are

    dying everyday because of it. Shunning is tearing apart the fabric of the family unit and someday some way, it is

    all going to come crashing down on them. They are blood guilty in the deaths of their followers and some savvy

    law team willing to take on a HUGE CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT (any lawyers out there willing?) will pull it off one day.

    Someday some attorney is going to find a way to link everything together, including their mind-controlling techniques

    that make these poor brainwashed followers obey them like robots, and it can't happen soon enough imo.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Awake 78 9/8 p.29 " Garner Ted Armstrong well-known television spokesman for the World Wide church of God, was recently taken off the air and excomunicated by his Father, Herbert Armstrong...reportedly been earning $85,000 a year, claims that the "whole empire is crumbling" due to lavish spending by the leadership, as well as by divisions and fear among the members."

    Watch 79 5/15 p.28 "When dissident members recently charged Herbert Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God with mishandling funds, the California superior court put church finances in temporary recievership. Complaints centred on huge sums of money spent entertaining prominant world politicans and the lavish lifestyle and huge salary of top church officals. Armstrong's second in command defended money spent on Jet leasings, very expensive hotels, resturants and gifts for foreign dignitaries, saying: "We had a commision to spread the gospel." ...the lawer admits:"In proclaiming the word of Jesus church officals spend enormous somes of money." Why? "Meeting with Prime Ministers and other world leaders, you bring him something and maybe it's from Gucci' don't take them out to Mcdonald's..."

  • Warlock

    Let them all burn in HELL!


  • yknot

    Blood = 1985 you joined an organization. Picture now 2085 the blood issue has faded from debate and publication for many decades. When they reverse the doctrine in the QFR, no one will notice, as most never read it. Much like all the quackery of Clayton Woodworth, Gene Smalley will become an obscure JW factoid.


  • Hellrider

    Doctrines changed: There is no Trinity, God is One, the Holy spirit is his "force" Jesus his Son. / {Now there is a Trinity 3 in 1 God}

    :Birthdays, Christmas, Easter are Pagan and not followed. / {Now Okay}

    :Jesus died on a stake / {No a Cross}

    I would say that all these doctrine-changes are for the better. They are more in harmony with the Bible.

    The religion almost disolves into a hundred groups. Lack of funds {Tithing 10% of wages to church} causes the church to sell all properties and airplanes, publishing and magazine sales drop to record low.

    Good. It`s easier for a camel to slip thru a needles eye than for a rich man to...well, you know the rest. Or you should know the rest. And then you should care.

    This is why the Watchtower won't change it's policy on would shatter the Organisation.

    Yes, and then they would lose all their money, properties, would be a disaster. Oh, the humanity. Oh, the horror. Being poor, that would bring reproach on "Jehovahs organisation".


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    This religion has now split into many groups as the money dried up....a might organisation collapsed!

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