World Wide Church of God founded by Hurbert Armstrong 1933 till he died 1986 with hundreds of thousands of followers, airplanes, thier own T.V show, their own colleges, and many properties. It published "The Plain Truth" magazine a rival to "Awake."
Joseph Tkach took over in 1986 like Rutherford he had some plans of his own! He reversed ALL major Armstrong doctrines and threw out all their founders books! He wanted to join mainstream Christianity.
Doctrines changed: There is no Trinity, God is One, the Holy spirit is his "force" Jesus his Son. / {Now there is a Trinity 3 in 1 God}
:Birthdays, Christmas, Easter are Pagan and not followed. / {Now Okay}
:Jesus died on a stake / {No a Cross}
Many other doctrines were thrown out basically turning this group into a mainstream Christian group. The result? Christian churches rejoice calling it a "miricle." The religion almost disolves into a hundred groups. Lack of funds {Tithing 10% of wages to church} causes the church to sell all properties and airplanes, publishing and magazine sales drop to record low. This is why the Watchtower won't change it's policy on would shatter the Organisation.