FArticle in The Sunday Times (South Africa), 23 September 2007

by Princess Daisy Boo 4 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    Lawyers acting for a Durban hospital and paediatric surgeon made a mercy dash to the High Court this week, securing a court order allowing them to give a critically ill two-year-old girl a blood transfusion in the face of staunch opposition from her Jehovah's Witness parents.

    In granting the order giving Parklands Hospital and surgeon Abdool Shaik authority to do whatever is necessary over the next seven days to save the little girl's life, Durban High Court Judge Herbert Msimang said the court, as the upper guardian of all children, had to act in their best interests.

    The parents, Thabani and Simangele Mabanga, who were supported in court by members of their church, had argued earlier that God was the ultimate guardian, and that according to their religious beliefs they would not give consent for a transfusion.

    Their daughter was admitted to hospital at the end of August suffering from pneumonia. She was diagnosed with a massive sub-hepatic abscess in her abdominal cavity and was referred to Shaik for surgery.

    In his affidavit before the judge, Shaik said she was critically ill - "in the early stages of cardiac arrest" - and in urgent need of abdominal surgery and a blood transfusion to enable the surgery to be performed.

    Because of the nature of the surgery, she would lose a considerable amount of blood.

    "This will be compensated by the giving of a blood transfusion prior to and possibly after surgery. It is my opinion, and the opinion of the anaesthetist, that in the absence of this, the child is unlikely to survive surgery."

    This had been explained to the parents, but they had declined to authorise the blood transfusions "as it is contrary to the tenets of their faith".

    On Monday the parents had indicated that if emergency surgery was required, and all efforts to avoid a blood transfusion had failed, and Shaik regarded it as vital to save her life, then the transfusion could be done.

    But they changed their minds and withdrew this "conditional authority".

    "I am now concerned that the parents might withdraw their consent to the life-saving surgery as well," Shaik said.

    The parents suggested during Tuesday's court hearing that the doctor should consider using a synthesised protein product that reportedly helps to oxygenate the blood.

    But they only handed in pamphlets on the product and had no medical evidence to back them up. It was also suggested that the product had not been registered for use on small children in South Africa.

    Advocates acting for the hospital and the doctor said they respected the parents' right to their religious beliefs but that that had to be weighed against the constitutional right to life. They referred to a similar case in Johannesburg in 2003 in which the court had granted a similar order.

    Approached by The Mercury on Wednesday, Gillian Williams, of MacRobert, the firm representing the doctor, said the little girl was being operated on on Wednesday and would be transfused during and, if necessary, after the surgery.

  • snowbird

    On Monday the parents had indicated that if emergency surgery was required, and all efforts to avoid a blood transfusion had failed, and Shaik regarded it as vital to save her life, then the transfusion could be done.

    But they changed their minds and withdrew this "conditional authority".


    I'll bet you I know who played a part in their "readjustment" so that they changed their minds.


  • yknot

    I am glad this child will have a chance to live. I still attend meetings but have removed all NO-Blood things from our medical records. Daisy Boo anymore word from your Sister about possible lawsuit?


  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    Hi Y

    Unfortunatly, no news on the courst case issue... apparently the case was postponed and my sister is not aware of the new court date... will keep you all informed!

  • Enjoying freedom
    Enjoying freedom

    Thanks for keeping us posted on this!

    Would like to hear the outcome.

    Like snowbird I bet I know who got the parents to "change their mind".

    I am always advising doctors and health professionals to ensure that if a parent/patient is objecting to treatment make absolutely sure that it is actually their wishes and not the wishes of others putting emotional blackmail on the patient.

    If necessary, talk to the parent/patient alone without anyone else present who may adversely affect the patient decision. Although this is easier said than done when you have the hospital liaision committee doing their usual underhand tricks.

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