So I just got all my new decorations up for Halloween . They look awsome! and who stops by? My good old friends from my old KH. (SHUTTER). So I have nothing to say to them so decide not to answer the door but my husband goes and opens it up and goes out to talk to them. :( I refuse to speak to them ,all its for is so they could keep their time going on the way back to the Hall for noon break. I was a pioneer I know how it works. ,and they could get a glimpse of our home and if we had decorated it for the upcoming holidays. So now I'm sure we are the "hot Topic" of the gossip line . I would also not go out to see them because I have a new baby and I didnt want to risk vomting all over him as they oooooed and ahhhhhd all over my baby. They make me sick . These people who were my friends since I was a child and who now would'nt be caught DEAD being seen with me out in public ,never invite us over anymore and treat us like the plague ,want me to answer my door so they can count their stupid time! I think NOT!. They are wolves in sheeps clothing. I dont know what came over me I have been feeling very happy and had a "I could care less" attitude about all of them ,but for some reason when I heard them out side talking to my husband like they all just loved him and loved seeing him , I was filled with a massive amount of rage to the point that i was making myself sick. So they finally left and my husband came inside. So now they can all go back and spread some gossip around about us. Now the elders will be calling so they can disfellowship us. OOOOOOOOOO I' m Soooooooooooo frightened. :) Let them come ,I'm armed and ready now! I have a Brain of my own to fight them with . AHHHHHH AIN'T Freedom GREAT!!!!!
JW's saw my halloween decorations -YIKES!
by annalice 6 Replies latest jw friends
I have a Brain of my own to fight them with . AHHHHHH AIN'T Freedom GREAT!!!!!
You go girl !
I was filled with a massive amount of rage to the point that i was making myself sick.
I had gotten to that point and decided the only way out of the rage was to DA myself. Bring it to a total and complete end. No more gossip no more elders visits no more fake concern about you no more false christian love. I sent the letter and never felt more free in my life...
what is your husband's thoughts on it? does he feel the same way?
They are a destructive cult and their behaviour as you desribed it proves it, you contribute so much to them but then if you disobey one of their man made petty rules they write everything off at a stroke.
lol... I say: "Let's give'em something to talk about." They all love a little scandal to talk about. After I stepped down from being an elder and was reproved and stopped attending meetings, about 4 months later, I ran into an elder I had served with said how much everyone always asks about me and how concerned everyone is. I told him that, it's funny, my phone number hasn't changed and yet none of those concerned people ever call. Sorry.. wine side-tracked me: Congrats on your Halloween decorations...isn't it the funnest holiday?
I ran into a friends mother at the movies the other day and didn't notice till after the movie that she had not said hello to my husband. She hugged me and we chatted while he purchased the tickets ( about 3ft away) and when he came up to me she politely said her goodbye and didn't even acknowledge him. Violence is a bad thing right?! mo^&* F(&*%ers!