At first Adam and Eve were content being naked. Adam had a lot of time on his hands so he designed a living room suite complete with couch, coffee table and reclina. The trouble is that Adam would every so often forget to wash after taking a big dump and Eve would curse the hell out of him for leaving a big brown streak on the white couch. God realized that the entire human race would have enormous bills for K2R spot remover. God decided to let Adam know that he was a big freaking idiot and told him to put some clothes on.
Did God intend Adam and Eve to wear clothes?
by cultswatter 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
A small amount of water for washing the private parts would have taken care of that problem. And a swim in a river or lake would clean the whole body. That's what nature lovers do nowadays.
Witness 007
I'm wearing a giant fig leaf right now,,,grrrrr yeah baby!
No it would not .Imagine an 800 year old geezer sittin on your white couch - no way!!
Such an informative thread could not fail to catch my wandering eye.
I got to thinking if i was God and I just created two perfect human beings I would definitely want them naked. Then again if I'm God don't I get xray-see-through-clothes/fig leaves power anyway?
The first few months in Eden with his wife Eve naked was only a trial period.
You can only spill hot coffee on your crotch so many times until you realize that you should be wearing something around the house.
Rub a Dub