Well, I came in this morning, prepared to write a glib little post regarding my “astrological findings”. But I find my heart too heavy to do so today. Perhaps it’s just the times—patriotic fervor sweeps over me. Perhaps it’s just my “delicate condition”, and the hormones that race through my body w/pregnancy. Maybe it's just me thinking with the reptilian part of my brain. Then again, perhaps it’s just plain sadness. Please allow me to vent, as we all do at times here on this board. It DOES help to be able to say ANYTHING without Big WTBTS Brother censoring.
There sits on my desk this morning’s paper with the picture of a young Wyoming, mountain boy, the first of what I fear will be many casualties in this endeavor. At the same moment, there sit in my waiting room, 3 young men, fresh out of high school, waiting to see if their lungs are fit for military service. We are getting more and more of these kids. Young, brave, maybe naïve men, willing to fight and die for us. I do feel this time is different. We were attacked on our own soil. The loss of civilian life was monumental. This is far from over, I fear. Anyone with teenage sons—anyone with prepubescent sons and daughters, please go hug them. Show them everyday you love and cherish them. It could be them going off to the Middle East. It could be you or I, getting our lungs pureed by Anthrax. We cannot be crippled by fear, but we should be more aware of the sacredness of life.
Now, a note about spiritual harlotry. I know, a seeming change of subject, but, bear with me. I hope someone will refresh my memory of what constitutes spiritual harlotry according to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society a.k.a. Jehovah’s Witnesses' doctrine, because it has been a while for me, and I never really paid attention to their ranting and ravings against the governments, anyway. I always loved my country, even as a little girl forced to sit out for the pledge—I don’t know, maybe I was a US soldier in another life? I do recall, a graphic picture of a whorish woman sitting atop a beast, in quasi sexual manner, and another one of the same woman dancing suggestively with a “kingly” looking man. The connotation being that she was any religious organization who used the earthly governments to further her own ambitions.
Well, this is where I always got upset. Jehovah’s Witnesses were allowed to conceptualize, and propagate under the government of the United States. I simply cannot see it being started and growing, in, oh, lets say for arguments sake—the Islamic MIDDLE EAST! Is the U.S. a saintly bastion of liberty, and justice for all globally? Sadly, I do not think so, entirely. But, many of its citizens aspire to be. I do believe it has the greatest potential to be, and if I have anything to do with it, it WILL be. Okay, so, this organization, the WTBTS, while bragging that she is the ONLY religion who does NOT fornicate with the governments, is covertly riding the United Nations (in her teachings, the beasts to end all beasts—THE DISGUSTING THING IN THE HOLY PLACE!—gasp!). Should we be surprised? She has been riding her paramour, (her first customer), the United States, for ages; hiding behind him and his laws anytime she feels the least bit threatened. Does anybody see the irony here? Does anybody remember hearing the horrid tales of brothers being exploited, er, I mean martyred in expendable countries like, Malawi, Cuba, etc? They were just doing their “Christian duty”. But try to get the U.S. witnesses to wear ID badges in a small town in Ohio—and hark! Persecution!-—you can’t do that to us—IT’S OUR RIGHT, by the constitution of (say it with me) the United States of America. Right to do what? Preach?-—no one’s disputing that. Oh, I WANT you to preach. I am part of a global organization (another one of the beasts you sit astride?) that protects your right to preach and worship freely throughout the globe. I send money that provides legal defense, I write letters, etc. Not because I agree with what you say, but because I avidly agree with your RIGHT TO SAY IT, anywhere on earth. So PREACH-PREACH-PREACH!!! Now, here’s the hard part. You have to be honest. No, I mean completely honest—from the get go. In fact, I’d like to see a return to the placard style witnessing, let’s bring back the radio witnessing! And I want you to show the world that you are: “Jehovah’s Witnesses” and PROUD OF IT. What have you got to hide? I want you to tell the world exactly what you teach about the governments. Continue enjoying her laws, please, that's what we're all about. Laws that are defended to the death by young boys like those sitting in my waiting room (surely, you don’t think the Taliban or Terrorists would give a flying fuck that you think wearing ID badges violates your rights? They want you to bow to Allah with the same fervor you want them to bow to Jehovah, and they have more guns than you—that’s why you have to hide behind us). How would you like to try to run your fat cat organization under the constraints of an Islamic Government? Little like being left, devastated, and naked, and plundered, just like………you know who. So, again I say, PREACH, go to court—I insist, because these rights you enjoy have been hard won and defended. Just remember, these freedoms are paid for with real blood. Real, life has and will seep out of young, willing bodies, so that you can continue to preach that the government they are fighting for is a minion of Satan. So, when you approach a potential convert, tell them first of all that, you are a Jehovah’s Witness (say it with pride). Tell them that unless they convert AND get baptized as Jehovah’s Witnesses, renounce their government, your god is going to slaughter them at Armageddon.
Just be honest.