Here's a start of my study. I might have time to come back and complete it. If not, can you help me? First, I respond to the chart in "Revelation, it's Grand Climax at Hand", "Christendom's Waters Revealed to be Wormood, on page, 139 of the latest edition. Second, I make my own chart of bitter doctrines that the Watchtower Society expects it's members to swallow.
A general observation, all of Christendom is lumped together by the Witnesses, though various churches may hold to some of these beliefs. This is deceptive. All Orthodox churches subscribe to is the Nicene Creed. Of that creed, only the second point in this article in the book, "Revelation, it's Grand Climax at Hand", "God is a Trinity" is inferred.
So it is very possible for someone to find a church that generally subscribes to the Witness beliefs listed here, aside from the Trinity doctrine.
Beliefs and Attitudes of Christendom | What the Bible Really Says | JGnat’s Response |
God’s personal name is unimportant. | Jesus prayed that God’s name be sanctified. | Is rote repetition of the name that gives it power, or the actions on behalf of that name? An excerpt from Judaism 101: An act that causes God or Judaism to come into disrespect or a commandment to be disobeyed is often referred to as "chillul Ha-Shem," profanation of The Name. Clearly, we are not talking about a harm done to a word; we are talking about harm to a reputation. Likewise, any deed that increases the respect accorded to God or Judaism is referred to as "kiddush Ha-Shem," sanctification of The Name. |
God is a Trinity | The Bible says that Jehovah is greater than Jesus. | Does the Bible say that Jesus is less than the father? Why does the society insist so? John 10:30, 14:7 |
The human soul is immortal. | Man is a soul. | The society must ignore the entire New Testament to hold on to this doctrine. Note only OT texts are given. For scriptures, do a word search in the NT for "soul". |
The wicked are punished after death in hell. | The wages of sin is death, not life in torment. | This is not a core doctrine of Christendom, but the Witnesses ignore some rather graphic scriptures in their keeping with their thoughts of the grave. For example, in Matthew 5:22, ghenna (hell) is paired with the Greek word for "fire". Also, Revelation 14:11, 12. I've yet to hear a satisfying answer from a Witness as to WHO are reserved for this particularly delicious punishment? I fail to see how the Witnesses' graphic portrayal of Armageddon is any less terrifying. |
The title Mediatrix is applied to Our Lady. | The only mediator between God and men is Jesus. | This doctrine is held by the oldest Catholic churches, and questioning of it began with the Reformation in 1517. Nearly all reformed churches from that date have discarded the doctrine. The Witnesses are not unique in this regard. |
Infants should be baptized. | Baptism is for those who have been made disciples… | I see the Witnesses fall short of suggesting that baptism should be the act of a consenting adult. How different is it to baptize a dependent youth? Again, infant baptism has been questioned beginning with the Anabaptists in the sixteenth century. |
Most churches are divided between laity and clergy. | All first-century Christians were ministers | Again, not a unique thought. Many churches teach today that everyone in the church are ministers. Why does the society limit religious leadership to men? What of Priscilla, Lydia, Phoebe, Dorcas and other first century women who were leaders in their community? Acts 9:36-42 |
Images, icons, and crosses… | Christians must flee from every sort of idolatry… | What of the great popularity of Bethel tours? I can't think of any greater idolatry than to worship a group of imperfect men as being the only representers of Jehovah's truth. |
Church members are taught that God’s purposes will be accomplished through politics. | Jesus preached God’s Kingdom, not some political system, as the hope for mankind. | Again, a sector of Christendom is represented as the whole. Here's one sermon on a Christian's involvement on policital affairs, a little more balanced than the Witness view, IMO. I'm sick of hearing how "imperfect" political systems are responsible for the world's ills. The world has problems, people are imperfect, and good people do the best they can. Witnesses should be grateful that clean water comes out of their taps, roads are paved and public education is available for their children. When I see the petty infighting that goes on in a regular Kingdom Hall, I shudder what would happen if they were put in charge of a modern infrastructure . |
Part II - JGnat’s Study this Week – Watchtower Instructions a Bitter Pill to Swallow
Watchtower Instruction | Bible Verses to Ponder |
Acts of charity are reserved for approved brothers and sisters. | Be generous in love and good works to all. Otherwise, you are no better than they are. Matthew 25:44, 45;Romans 5:7, 8 |
Baptize your children so they will not die. | Anyone who witnesses creation have abundant evidence of God. Acts 17:23-31 |
Defer hope to the paradise to come. | Hope is now. Matthew 6:19-24, Romans 5 |
Field service is superior to higher education. | One gift or talent is not greather than the other. Luke was a doctor, Peter a fisherman, Paul educated and a tentmaker, Priscilla and Aquila makers of purple. None are condemned. 1 Corinthians 12. |
If you are a member of Christendom, you are following a condemned religion. | Condemned by who? For what? Matthew 23:13-16. |
If you are not a Jehovah’s Witness, you die. | A man's fate is between him and God. Revelation 5:2, 20:12. |
Magazine placement is superior to any other act of charity. | If we bless a hungry man but fail to feed him, we have failed both the man and God. Luke 10:30-36, Matthew 25:44, 45 |
Materialism is bad. | Wealth is immaterial. <more> |
Outside the Truth, you die. | <more> |
Refuse promotions and deny secular ambitions in favor of "reaching out" for greater privileges in the congregation. | <more> |
Shunning is a kindness to encourage sinners to return. | <more> |
The anointing and presence of Christ is reserved for a select few. | <more> |
Informal gatherings of Witnesses for study are not allowed. | <more> |