If you compare the Watchtower Org. and Communist ideals how different were they?
Communist = Stalin {Knorr} made the laws and decidied who wen't into exile, and who lived or died. Propaganda would be spinning 24/7 to make them look successful and re-write thier history. Comrads {Brothers} were encouraged to report to the state any un-patriotic activity {even their own relatives} In-doctrination and "re-education" of people using brainwashing methods was common. Shunning the outside world and allowing millions to suffer rather then admitting they were wrong. Spreading the Comunist message till half the worlds population was comunist. Gaining favour with other governments while secretly hating them. Banning all forms of worship except their own comunist ideals. Spying on defectors. Having a police force {KGB or Watchtower Elders} to enforce thier policy and punish dicidents. Citizens living in fear, of arrest or exile for any minor infraction. People forced to wear offical uniforms provided by the state. Banning all media that is Anti-comunist.