Curious... Does anyone know how many members this site has?

by Prisila 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Prisila


    I haven't been here in a looooooooong time! WOW! Good to be back. It amazes me how much JWs are still a part of my life so many years later! Especially right around the Holidays.

    I'm so curious, does anyone have any figures/guesstimates on how many people come here to this site for sanctuary?


    BTW I used to be afraid to use my real name. No fear there anymore!


    Helga P. Aguayo

  • Scully

    Currently there are over 28,500 registered members. It's hard to say how many active members there are though. You can check the "Statistics" link at the top of the page though.

    Welcome back.

  • Prisila


  • SnakesInTheTower

    Hiya prisila... and WELCOME BACK

    Wow...a 3+ year gap between postings and still newbie status. LOL. I have lurked for many years but just registered this year. I am supposed to be lurking again, but everyone knows this won't last long. ...hope you will reintroduce yourself...there are tons and tons of new people here. And nvrgnbk is the top poster around her nowadays....look at his register date vs. number of posts...unbelievable

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "really, I am mostly just lurking" Sheep Class)

    PS...oh, you asked a question . I don't know. Just wanted to welcome you. PM Simon, maybe he can tell you or post it for us.

  • tula


    are you the grand lady whose husband was court martialed for being a conscience (sp) objector?

  • Prisila

    Dear Tuly,

    Yes, Agustin Aguayo conscientious objector and war resister is my husband. He refused a second deployment to Iraq was court-martialed and imprisoned for 8 months. He is FINALLY home! And I couldn't be more thrilled.

    Thank you for asking!


    Helga P. Aguayo

  • Prisila

    Sorry meant Tula!

  • DazedAndConfused


    I am extremely curious about your husband's background. I am very confused about this.

    1) Is he a U. S. citizen?

    2) When did he join?

    3) Why did he join?

    4) I have skimmed (admittedly) 2 pages (a page written by you and a page showing the court papers) and I still do not understand the whole thing. There is no draft, and hasn't been for at least 30 years. Refer to #3. Why did he join? Was it for college reasons?

    I will wait for an answer before I say anymore.

  • Prisila

    1) Is he a U. S. citizen?

    Yes, a naturalized citizen.

    2) When did he join?


    3) Why did he join?

    For many reasons...

    The short answer... 9/11 had happened. As naturalized citizens it seemed, at the time, like a good way to give back. This country had taken us in. We wanted to do something great for our new country. And yes, he wanted to continue his education.

    Some background -- When all that happened, the arrest, he had already been in Iraq 1 year. Had almost finished his contract when he was STOP LOSSED (his contract was extended past the amount he initially enlisted for -- a law that Bush has exercised during this war). He had filed for a discharge as a conscientious objector (CO). The army offers this discharge for COs. And sued the US Army for not granting the CO discharge and mishandling his case (and the judge agreed it was mishandled but did not intervene.)

    He did his job until he could no longer do it anymore. He even came back form his first tour of duty decorated. Even though he NEVER loaded his gun and the command knew so becuase he deployed as a CO.

    When he came back form Iraq he continued fighting to be recognized as a CO. His command believed him and respected him and even wanted him to get the CO discharge. But instead of being granted the discharge, he was ordered to deploy again -- past his initial contract time. So he refused to go. He missed his movement and turned himself in the next day. I documented it here:

    The Army in turn held him in custody until a plane was ready to take him by force to Iraq i.e shackled, handcuffed, and carried on a plane. They brought him to our home in Germany US Military Base and told him to grab his Iraq gear. He pretended to cooperate. And then escaped out the back window of our apartment. He went AWOL for 26 days and came back to the US. He then held a press conference and turned himslef in AGAIN.

    He was taken back to Germany then court martialed and sentenced.

    He became a CO because he realized he could not kill. He told this to his command. He was a medic. He had hopes of rebuilding and helping the Iraquis as well as the Army. So he deployed to Iraq, for a year, only to realize that he was not helping ANYONE but instead supporting and enabling organized killing by contributing to the missions there in Iraq. When he came back he told me he would NEVER do that again NO MATTER WHAT! I saw how distraught he was and how distraught other soldiers were. Many killed themselves or tried to after they got back. Some never recover. It is immoral. War is immoral. And so I supported him.

    I hope this answers your question.


  • Dansk


    So glad you feel able to use your real name. Fear is the Jehovah's Witnesses best tool, which is why I posted my photograph and revealed my real name a long time ago. Some here are unable to use their real names due to family still being in. In my case I found being open set me free. I don't give a rolling doughnut about the society or its adherents, don't fear disfellowshipping or shunning. Even in spite of a long illness I've had life is good.

    All the very best to you and your husband. I admire his courage in standing up to the authorities. I, too, was imprisoned in an army prison in 1977 for refusing to soldier. It was a matter of principle. I was a good soldier but the army had lied to me so I stood my ground - and got kicked out a few months later. Never regretted it!


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