"If you wear Perfume, you might as well be disobeying Jehovah"

by NotaNess 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • NotaNess

    I know this topic has been touched over, but when I heard a cooky witness saying to another witness..."The Faithful & Discreet Slave tells us to quit wearing perfume and cologne to KH meetings, and that's what we're supposed to do, if they tell us. We're to obey the FDS, and if we wear the perfume we might as well be disobeying Jehovah". I immediately thought of the conversations on this forum about silly attitudes(the overall issue of obeying the FDS on something non-scriptural). She then told the lady she was talking to, "I can smell your perfume all the way from over here". She then ended..."Why would people want to disobey the FDS?"

    Pure Control.

    At the most...any talks or published writings on it should limit it to "please don't wear too much, so it doesn't bother sensitive ones". I could accept that.

    These types of things plus hearing JW's use terms like "Jew me Down" or "He's like a Jew with his money", makes me think they should change their logo to a swastika. The WT control is like Hitlers, without the war & killing.

  • tula

    the reason for that is because so many people have allergies. And some people wear scents that are overbearing or actually stinky. It would cause distraction, as well as calling attention to themselves.

  • restrangled

    The only time I was asked not to wear perfume was working for a Born Again Christian.

    The scent I wear has me stopped every where I go. Men and women come up to me and breathe deeply, then ask what the heck are you wearing? Never any complaints!

    I hate to give out my secret, but this perfume has never failed to thrill me or those around me. It is not popular but is expensive.

    It's Estee Lauder's Spell Bound. About $75.00 for the large bottle. Little is needed and stays with you all day.

    Get ready for compliments if you buy it.


  • saywhat29

    You know I remember overhearing a conversation some sister was having with one another about the dress at the Dc and what you cul and could not wear and I will always remember what she said:

    "When the Faithful and discreet Says Jump, the only thig that jumps in my mind is how high!" and then she proceeded to laugh. and all I could think was. 'Wow, we are to totaly be under control of these people. and if we're not we are ird food? How dos that make sense?'

    Oh well if Poly wants this cracker she can have it. 'Cause it is wearing what it wants....

    ALTHOUGH I hae to say that yeah some times the brothers and the sisters pour it on too thick. Like, at times they are at Dcs trying to atract as if it is some sorta hunt that could be on National Geographic.. on the prowl during the lunch break.

    And those smells mix. These young brothers have to realize that you do not have to spray the Entire Can of Axe body Spray for one event. and some sisters need to know that perfume is only suppose to be smelled by a select "special" few, not everybody in a 10 foot radius.

    And that is all....

  • GentlyFeral

    I used to know (and love) a sister who had many allergies, so severe that the common, ordinary perfume mix at the Kingdom Hall would send her into convulsions. Severe enough, once, to rip the shoulder seams out of a favorite blouse. She went from the KH to the emergency room at least once. So I'm down with this rule, but not with the way some folks use this expression of compassion to grind others' faces into the dirt.

    The congregation this sister belonged to had about half a dozen others with similar problems, so the congregation established an "allergen-free" book study for them and their families. Nobody wore perfume at that Kingdom Hall. And they knew why.

    gently feral

  • oompa

    This horrible sister that was a total hypochondriac started going off on perfume, sitting in the library, going is service with family only. She was full of BS! I would spray or flick cologne on her and just watch the fun, she would accusing everyone around her and it was on her backside lol. I also sprayed the windshield vent on their car for a nice boquet. This witch changed halls, and drove them crazy as well.

    aahhh the power of poco rabon....oompa

  • sweetstuff

    Well I have allergies, some perfumes give me migraines, but the way I see it, its my problem, not everyone else's. Should everyone go around stinky for my sake? If these allergies are so severe, I wonder how this people grocery shop, get their hair cut, etc. My bet is while the rare case (I dont' doubt there are those who have severe allergies to scents) is out there, most of these people are hamming it up for attention. I was pregnant with my second child and due for my ultrasound, you know the one where they make you drink OODLES of water and ask you not to pee?

    A real feat for a pregnant woman! This other mother-to-be came in and went to register for her appointment, right after mine. Well, one of the nurses asked her, "are you wearing perfume?" she said, "no, I put a little hairspray on". Well, that was it, the nurse demanded she leave immediately as it was a 'no scent' hospital and she could feel a headache coming on. I thought what an incompassionate WITCH, poor her, she is getting a headache, this lady is pregnant and just chugged back 8 litres of water. They made her leave and re-book her appointment. I had a sister in my hall growing up, who would make a big stink about anyone wearing perfume or hairspray, she couldn't "breath", well, low and behold, saw her in a salon, getting a perm.

  • Hortensia

    I have all these allergies - especially musk which gives me quite a headache. However, my problem, not yours. I just move away when there is someone around who is wearing a perfume that sets me off. No need to make other people feel bad - I rather like wearing perfume myself. Just not musky ones. I've seen people use their allergies or other conditions to really ruin everyone's day.

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