I know this topic has been touched over, but when I heard a cooky witness saying to another witness..."The Faithful & Discreet Slave tells us to quit wearing perfume and cologne to KH meetings, and that's what we're supposed to do, if they tell us. We're to obey the FDS, and if we wear the perfume we might as well be disobeying Jehovah". I immediately thought of the conversations on this forum about silly attitudes(the overall issue of obeying the FDS on something non-scriptural). She then told the lady she was talking to, "I can smell your perfume all the way from over here". She then ended..."Why would people want to disobey the FDS?"
Pure Control.
At the most...any talks or published writings on it should limit it to "please don't wear too much, so it doesn't bother sensitive ones". I could accept that.
These types of things plus hearing JW's use terms like "Jew me Down" or "He's like a Jew with his money", makes me think they should change their logo to a swastika. The WT control is like Hitlers, without the war & killing.