"It called Upon all peoples to recognize and accept God's kingdom and it exposed the UNFAITHFULNESS of Christendom in endorsing a substitute , the League of Nations" - Babylon the Great Has Fallen pg534
"The very League of Nations and it's successor, the United Nations, represent an international conspiracy against God's kingdom... This international organization for peace and security by human means is a deceptive counterfeit for God's kingdom by his Lamb." - Babylon the Great Has Fallen pg596
"What are the Criteria for NGOs to become associated with DPI?"
Organizations eligible for association with DPI are those which:
-Share the ideals of the UN Charter;
-Operate solely on a not-for-profit basis;
-Have a demonstrated interest in United Nations issues and proven ability to reach large or specialized audiences, such as educators, media representatives, policy makers and the business community;
-Have the commitment and means to conduct effective information programmes about UN activities by publishing newsletters, bulletins, and pamphlets; organizing conferences, seminars and round tables; and enlisting the cooperation of the media.
Does this mean that the Watchtower Society is unfaithfull and part of the conspiracy against God's kingdom?