Hi all,
My nephew, recently was injured in a motorcycle accident. He is a baptised witness.
He is facing surgery for a procedure to repair his back in at least two places where the spinal column is damaged.
There is of course the blood issue. He is aware of the fact that he can use the fractions of blood if he wants, per his conscious per recent "new light".
The thing I need help with, is I recently read that the WTS has made it possible to utilize one's own blood, taken before the surgery and stored for however long it's necessary before he goes under the knife, and then used just like a transfusion.
I understand there's a Kingdom Ministry, printed last fall in either October or November 2006 dealing with this issue.
His mother is a Witness as is his paternal grandfather.
I called his grandfather, my father, aged 91 yesterday, knowing he has copies of the Kingdom Ministry that go back 20-30 years. My father said he probably had the copies I'm interested in, but was more interested in talking about his life.
I've talked with my sister about it, she probably has the same articles, but she says she's never read anything like that in one of the publications.
My hope is that one of the members of this forum will have the Kingdom Ministry that's supposed to have the article dealing with the blood issue, and can scan and post a copy of the article in question.
Thank you all for your interest and help.
Help needed,
by ramtrucker 5 Replies latest watchtower medical
Does someone have this?? Bttt
I thought that stored blood was still against their rules, but do not have that KM. I hope someone here does. Sorry I can't help. JK
Sorry Ramtrucker.
The Kingdom Ministry of Nov 2006.
km 11/06 p. 4 How Do I View Blood Fractions and Medical Procedures Involving My Own Blood? *
*"*Although Christians do not donate or store their own blood for transfusion purposes, some procedures or tests involving an individual’s blood are not so clearly in conflict with Bible principles. Therefore, each individual should make a conscientious decision as to whether to accept or to reject some types of medical procedures involving the use of his or her own blood.
When making such decisions, ask yourself the following questions: If some of my blood will be diverted outside my body and the flow might even be interrupted for a time, will my conscience allow me to view this blood as still part of me, thus not requiring that it be ‘poured out on the ground’? (Deut. 12:23, 24) Would my Bible-trained conscience be troubled if during a medical procedure some of my own blood was withdrawn, modified, and directed back into my body? Am I aware that refusing all medical procedures involving the use of my own blood means that I refuse treatments such as dialysis or the use of a heart-lung machine? Have I prayerfully considered this matter before making a decision?"
There were some examples of autologous blood treatments in small quantities for specialist treatments, but the basic storage of ones blood for transfusion is not permitted by the Borg
Second thoughts added...
There are some acceptable methods of reducing blood loss during surgery, cell salvage, hemodilution and such things where blood is removed but a continuous circuit is maintained . I am no expert but it may be advisable to speak to a specialist doctor/surgeon in these matters. And if he is determined to be faithful, I hate to say it but a helpful and knowledgeable member of a HLC may be able to advise what would be acceptable (up to his conscience) ..after all , it is their job..
(Credit goes to Blues Brother)
How Do I View Blood Fractions and Medical Procedures Involving My Own Blood? November 2006 KM. Click the link below and when the next page appears scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the download link by the (red arrow). http://www.sendspace.com/file/ohhl3s Nevada-
Thank you, one and all for your help.