Do you talk to more people now,about the WBT$?

by OUTLAW 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Do you Talk to More people Now about the WBT$?..Good vs Evil 2............Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • megsmomma

    Not on a week-to-week basis....But, when I do I am no longer embarassed to do it


    I`ve got a family full of Jehovah`s Witness`s..They all have none JW friends..They are always curious why I`m not a JW..And..I tell them about the corruption in the WBT$......I`ve talked to more people in casual conversation,about the WBT$ ..Than I ever did in Door to Door Field Service.........When I went door to door..People wouldn`t answer the door..Or..Were`nt interested..Or..Just wanted me,off their Dam Property!..LOL!!.....Now I have people coming to me,to talk about the religion I want nothing to do with..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • Honesty

    Uh Huh

    Sometimes one-on-one and sometimes to groups who have gathered to gether just to hear how they can rtespond to the people who bring Angel jesus to their front doors with the messagee that their faith will not save them unless the "Faithful Slave" is intimately involved in every aspect of their personal biznis.

  • Clam


    I witnessed with some enthusiasm; I anti-witness with tons of enthusiasm.


  • Gopher

    Except for the door-to-door ministry, I hardly ever talked about the WTS at all when a JW. It wasn't something to be proud of. And I felt bad at meetings when they said you should do "informal witnessing", I never felt I tried much to do that.

    But now, I do mention it once to almost everyone I meet as a new friend, if the discussion lends itself to it (for example, if people ask about my parents). And I'm NOT ashamed to be a former JW. It's actually quite natural to talk about it now.


    I think X-JW`s do more advertising for the WBT$,than most Active JW`s do.....Why dosen`t the WBT$ love us?..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    The anger with the JDUBS does not go away! I talk with family members so they do not feel guilty for not attending meetings! Non of us celebrate Christmas yet. It still feels strange!

    I thought about having a group in town like AA but for JDUBs so they can share their stories and greet anyone who has questions.

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