Conditions during the “1000 years”

by Doug Mason 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    The recent discussion about the timing of resurrections associated with the “1000 years” has shown me that I really don’t understand what JWs have been taught about that period. It has also shown me that there are people who have a detailed understanding of the period in question. Additionally, frequent pictures in WTS publications of happy families shows a degree of understanding by the WTS.

    I have never been a JW, so I have limited understanding of their teachings on the “1000 years”. So I am hoping that the people at JWD will help me to understand.

    I think JWs are told that following the “Great Battle” and the start of the “1000 years”, only the “Earthly-hope JWs” will be left alive on earth. These JWs will then have the responsibility for training the rest of humanity on The Truth concerning “Jehovah’s Kingdom Government Arrangement”.

    Since the WTS is very anti-education, these “Earthly-hope JWs” who are left will have a lower level of technical skills and knowledge. Further, since all FDS members and its GB are “Heavenly-hope JWs”, there will be no FDS on Earth to provide training and guidance. Is this the reason that the “Earthly-hope JWs” have now received “holy spirit”?

    Presumably, because of this situation, will the provision of “added light” have reached its pinnacle, ceasing at the start of the “1000 years”?

    Will the “Earthly-hope JWs” conduct a secret ballot to determine a “Big Boss” on Earth? If so, where will this “Big Boss” be located? Will he be near the oil wells in the Middle East?

    How long will the “1000 years” last? Are they solar, luni-solar, or prophetic years? Is the Julian Calendar or the Jewish Calendar used (our current Gregorian Calendar was not in use at the time John wrote his vision)? Does this mean that the “1000 years” begins on April 21, January 1, or on Tishri 1. In calculating the “1000 years”, is inclusive reckoning used to fill out the time to the start of the New Year? Or does the “Great Battle” finish on the last day of the year according to the Julian or the Jewish Calendar?

    Which language will people speak? Would it be Aramaic, Hebrew or Greek? How will the people learn to read and write in their new language? Will the “Earthly-hope JWs” have to teach a new language to themselves and then to others?

    Presumably the NWT will be cut down to only those parts that are relevant, probably to about the size of a Watchtower magazine. In fact this sort of thing could be done now, given the small range of the Scriptures that the WTS refers its readers to.

    Will the “Earthly-hope JWs” have the skills and ability to print and distribute their material? How will they manage to get them to people as they are being resurrected all around the globe? Will the “Earthly-hope JWs” have the ability to generate electricity? Will they be able to operate telecommunications systems?

    Will there be money, or will everything be open to bartering and trading?

    Who will operate the essential services? (Who will repair my computer or my plumbing?) Who will own the oil wells? Who will rebuild the infrastructures, communication systems, etc. that have been destroyed by the “Battle of A”? Imagine trying to teach Ben Hur to drive a car! Will the “Earthly-hope JWs” know how to manage the dangers posed by defunct and damaged nuclear power stations? Will the “Battle” have an effect on Global Warming?

    What happens when a person decides to reject the lovely message from the “Earthly-hope JWs”? Will they be shot at dawn? Who will have the skill required to manufacture the guns and ammunition?

    Will an injured “Earthly-hope JW” be permitted to receive a life-saving blood transfusion? Will a person have to be an “Earthly-hope JW” to be recognized as a doctor?

    Has the GB done any planning to get everything ready for the events during the “1000 years”, when they will no longer be here to control people’s minds? Have they printed the “Guide Book” already?

    I am sure the collective knowledge at JWD will clear up my concerns.


  • WTWizard

    This is my best guess of how things are going to be in the "new" order.

    There will be no computers or electronics, since those evil things are tools of the Devil, and it is likely that electricity will no longer be used. How can they use electricity if the power grid is destroyed at Armageddon or if most or all the generators run out of fuel or fall into disrepair? And the window washers aren't even going to have a clue about repairing things needed for electricity generation and transmission. Those who could figure that out will have turned apostate and been weeded out.

    I have heard that tanks and bulldozers will finally be put to "good" use. After Armageddon, these items will be used to clean up. This poses one question: How are window washers who have likely never seen the inside of a tank going to learn how to run one of those things? And, how is gas and oil going to be mined and distributed?

    I am predicting conditions similar to, if not worse than, the Dark Ages. Those who know how to run technology will be D.E.A.D. And, without technology, no computers or appliances. Also, those buildings pictured in paradise will not be possible since tools are going to be primitive and no one who is able to design and construct one of those buildings is going to survive Armageddon (they, too, will be D.E.A.D.). Medical care is going to be gone, and I have some bad news for anyone that thinks Jehovah is going to provide a miracle. Infections like tuberculosis are still going to be around for quite a while, as well as genetic defects. Another question is what happens to people who have Marfan's syndrome or some other disorder that permanently and irreversibly alters the physical structure--giants cannot be shrunk to normal size. As fot their medical needs, I doubt that the window washers are going to be able to do squat.

    Work will also be blah. That is actually behind a high percentage of our problems today. The leaders regulate things to the point that work has become highly specialized. The CEOs keep it that way, and put rules in place that protect their positions. And the more strict they are, the worse this situation gets. It is going to be even worse in the "new" order. And, when you have specialized rut jobs, the need for kicks will still be there. And, kick crimes will still be there--perhaps suppressed with death threats, but still there. People will be looking for quick fixes in drugs and booze, again possibly suppressed with death threats. But, either way it is not any place where anyone with a functioning brain is going to want to be in forever.

  • snowbird

    Doug Mason, I want you to know that you've provided me with a good laugh to start my day. When Franz and other WT writers were painting their glowing, utopian picture of the "new system," it is evident that the scenario you've just described never crossed their minds.

    The WTS is so bent on furthering their own apocalyptic agenda that they forget there are many loose ends that beg to be tied. All of the questions you've asked are valid concerns, but the WTS has no answers because their "new system" is just a figment of someone's overactive imagination.

    I used to ask myself, if all the things about the "new system" are true, why hasn't some other group come to the same conclusions? The Bible was written for all people, not just a select few, so why aren't other people aware of these things?

    The answer is the WTS took some Scriptures, dressed them up, and made an entire theology out of them. They use this theology to entice and control their followers. I urge everyone to read the Bible for themselves, pray for Holy Spirit to understand it, and follow its counsel.


  • LongHairGal

    DougMason, Wizard and Snowbird,

    These posts are excellent and include questions I have always wondered about but couldn't get an intelligent answer from anybody there.

    The only answer I got was the stupid 'well you just have to be there to see...' I guess a magic wand will be waved and voila - you have paradise! All these annoying problems and obstacles would just be done away with! No unpleasant experiences, just happiness!

    Sorry, their fantasy just had too many holes in it.


  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    The GB plans are behind the seventh book written by Russell in the personal library for only the GB. If, you find the book then remove it, On the wall you will see a pyramid with a glow on the top! In the glow there is an eye which represent Trinity. Do not tell the Bible Student posting! Look close at the eye,without going to sleep, you will see a secret botton in the which will open the invisible vault, and expose the map to the plans which are now hidden somewhere on one of the societies properties. Look for the clues! perhaps it will be on another post or with another member! Remember some members will be wolves in sheep,s clothing and want to lead you away from finding the plans, others will give you the signs to the plans for a 1,000 years!

    Good Furtune Agent Doug Mason

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    Thank you Sarah!

    I love it.


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