I was given a book to read today . It is entitled " The Power of Forgiveness" by Rosie McCall Kaiser. ISBN 0-9705268-1-4
published in 2001 by CRJ PUBLISHING.
The book talks about Transpersonal Psychology ie Forgiveness Psychology.
The author comes from a background of abuse, sexual and neglect and abandonment. The book is her story and how she found help through therapy and within the United Church of Practical Christianity. She went from victim to survivor, but not after one therapy session or spiritual help. It was hard work and required her to examine her belief system. ie, it was HARD.
I have read quite a bit of it and it struck a cord with me immediately. the book addresses Core beliefs, here are a few.-
1. There is something wrong with me. -most children who have been abused or neglected have this belief whether they realize it or not.
2. I must agree with and please everyone all the time
3. I must be dependable and work hard, fun is bad.
4. if i don't fit in anywhere, if anyone is upset, IT IS MY FAULT.
I was unable to set the book down, b/c my core belief all my life is "There is something wrong with
me , and If don't' fit In-- it's my fault.
I highly recommend this book, 126 pages- so not a hard read.
It can probably be checked out in the library or bought at the half price store or through amazon marketplace..
I highly recommend it for anyone who is living their life as a victim. .