I seem to recall a Question from Readers "What did Jesus mean when he said his "faithful slave" would be "discreet?"
Can anyone tell me the date of the WT it was in or direct me to where it is on forum.
by aniron 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I seem to recall a Question from Readers "What did Jesus mean when he said his "faithful slave" would be "discreet?"
Can anyone tell me the date of the WT it was in or direct me to where it is on forum.
Um, the word ("Discreet") now ask your self with all that you know of the ones who call them selfs the ("discreet") slave do they fit this; notice how it says that to be discreet you must be free from ostentation here is the difinition of osentation also:
( ¼ s " t µ n-t ³" sh … n, -t … n-) n. 1. Pretentious display meant to impress others; boastful showiness. 2. Archaic. The act or an instance of showing; an exhibition.dis·creet
(d ¹ -skr ¶ t " ) adj. 1. Marked by, exercising, or showing prudence and wise self-restraint in speech and behavior; circumspect. 2. Free from ostentation or pretension; modest. --dis·creet " ly adv.--dis·creet " ness n.