Weren't the 100+ questions prior to our baptism proof of how much becoming a JW is based on their teachings and doctrines? I can just see it now, Apostle John asking Jesus all that crap.
by REBORNAGAIN 6 Replies latest jw friends
Weren't the 100+ questions prior to our baptism proof of how much becoming a JW is based on their teachings and doctrines? I can just see it now, Apostle John asking Jesus all that crap.
and also an opportunity for the brothers to have their alone time with the sisters-
you know they could care less if you answered the actual questions. The REAL question was "do we want to see her in a bathing suit?"
Maybe so, but their rules kept them from seeing me in my bikini. *heehee*
It's sad to say but I don't even remember the questions, I vaguely remember sitting in the front row of the assembly hall while the baptism talk was going on, and then being dunked. I remember hoping that I went all the way under cause I didn't want to have to do it twice. That's all I remember from the whole damn day!
Pretty sad, huh? Shows how much I cared about it, I remember my mom saying (after the dunk) - I'm gonna have to do your hair all over again tonight *sigh* *shakes her head and rolls her eyes*. I though they wanted me to do it and she had to know my hair would get wet There is just no pleasing that crazy mother of mine!
Those questions were a fine waste of several afternoons. As I had to work Sunday evenings at that time, they were a nice way to make sure I wouldn't be able to catch a nap (I also had to work all night Saturday nights at that time) before going to work.
My Questions came from the old yellow "Your Word is a Lamp to My Feet" book as I recall. Am I right on that - wow? I thought I was. Shortly after came the first 'Organization Book' - then the later updated version. I made that huge error of common sense and good judgment in 1973 at the age of 17.
Those questions were justified under the John 17:3 banner - then we find out later they mistranslated that text and it's original meaning. I always had trouble reconciling the questions with the account of the Ethiopian Eunuch who was baptised after a few miles of riding with Phillip after a short discussion. [Unless the eunuch had the questions in the back of his copy of Isaiah LOL]
Well put, Rebornagain!!!!