1941 Consolation: Rutherford dedicates Kingdom Farms Buildings (Gilead)

by cabasilas 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cabasilas

    Here's an interesting issue of Consolation (the predecessor of Awake! magazine) from 1941. It's the June 25, 1941 issue. Rutherford is still President of the WT Society. World War II is raging in Europe, but the US has not gotten involved. This issue contains an article containing Rutherford's dedication speech of a large building at Kingdom Farms near South Lansing, NY as a place "to take care of refugees." The article is on pp. 16-20 of the magazine. These buildings were later converted after Rutherford's death for use by the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead in 1943.

    An earlier thread had discussed how the Gilead buildings were originally built as a shelter for the Bethel family:


    The virulent anti-Catholicism of this period of JW history is also clearly shown in this issue. The first article is entiled "Jesuit Cunning." The word counts in this issue almost reveal a pre-occupation:

    Jesuit: 69

    Catholic: 65

    God: 54

    Jehovah: 43

    Christ: 37

    Jesus: 22

    One of the most outlandish anti-Catholic statements occurs on page 21 where it says it "is very likely true" that Mein Kampf was actually written by a Catholic priest and that Hitler had the "Jesuitic" author of that book assassinated to prevent any disclosures.

    A PDF of the entire magazine (2.53 MB) can be downloaded from this filesharing site:


    Once you are there, at the bottom of the page you will see a countdown. Once the countdown gets to zero you will see a download button and then you can save the file to your computer.

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    Rutherford doing something nice, must be before he was put into jail were he went a little crazy and started picking on everyone! You know if anyone think Russell's writings were strange they really should read Rutherford works! He has BIG BUSINESS which is now big business in the Revelation book. I believe it means Jewish business men! Do you think he went a little nuts when he thought that every little detail of the OT had to be fullfilled and state with details their modern day application? Boy I sure do sound like a JDUB!

    Consulation! Hmmm, I think that one has some strange stuff in it I will down load it later and tell you what I think! Did you read it?

  • Atlantis


    Thank you cabasilas for this issue!

    Great work!

    Cheers! Atlantis-

  • jgnat

    I am so grateful for the work you and Atlantis do to bring these works to the light of day. Shouldn't hide these made-up "truths" under a barrel.

  • cabasilas

    Thanks, gnat and Atlantis!

    Another interesting item is how shamelessly this issue of Consolation quotes the Ku Klux Klan's magazine the Kourier on page 9.

  • Poztate

    Thanks for the information. It is another example of the garbage that they believed...Who can believe this is the "truth" when their whole history is full of crap.

  • cabasilas

    Thanks, poztate. The Rutherford era is amongst the hardest to justify for the average JW. And Rutherford's last few years were among the worst.

  • chasson

    Thanks Cabasilas,

    I have found some external sources used by Woodworth for this conspiracy theory against Jesuits: Samuel F. B. Morses, Foreign Conspiracy against Liberties of the United States, in the issue of the Consolation magazine of August 20, 1941 Page 26,27. Who is this man ? See the scan:

    Consolation August 20, 1941.



  • Atlantis


    Foreign Conspiracy Against Liberties of The United States--download!

    Click here chasson!


    Cheers! Atlantis-

  • chasson

    Thanks Atlantis, always on the top !!! Bye Charles

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