You are correct and your room mate wrong. At Armageddon everyone destroyed suffers the second death, that is, they have no chance of a resurrection according to Watchtower Doctrine. The following quotes show just how Barbaric and manipulative the religion of Jehovah's witnesses is.
w9210/15p.15WorktoPreserveYourFamilyIntoGod’sNewWorld*** 8
It appears that some parents are content to allow their children to drift along. The children attend meetings and have some share in field service, but often they have not built up their own relationship with God. In time "the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes" could lead many of such youths away from the truth. (1 John 2:16) How sad it would be for parents to survive Armageddon but because of past neglect leave their children behind as casualties!
w682/1pp.83-84Parents’MoralResponsibility***By all the evidences this system of things is hastening to its final confrontation with the God of justice at Armageddon. Parents and children who fail to gain the "mark on their foreheads," that is, an adequate appreciation of God’s moral standard, are sure to suffer. Parents will be held accountable for their children, and children will suffer for the failure of their parents.
w515/1p.286QuestionsfromReaders***Without being dogmatic, it stated that it seemed Scriptural to believe that children executed in Jehovah’s battle of Armageddon would not be resurrected. Here we consider questions raised.
... Can
weScripturallysaythatthoseslainbyJehovahattheclimaxofsuchjudgmentperiodsasattheFloodandatSodomandGomorrahandatArmageddongointoeternaldestruction?—I.F.,Washington.Please open your Bible and read Luke 17:24-37. It speaks of "that day when the Son of man is to be revealed" (NW), and the surrounding verses show that to be in the time of the end, climaxed by Armageddon. It states that at Armageddon it will be "just as it occurred in the days of Noah" when "the flood arrived and destroyed them all", and it will be "just as it occurred in the days of Lot" when he fled Sodom and "it rained fire and sulphur from heaven and destroyed them all". Since these are parallel cases, if it can be shown that the destroyed in any one case will have no "resurrection of judgment" it follows that those in the other two cases are likewise doomed. (John 5:28, 29, NW) The parable of the sheep and goats, now in course of fulfillment, shows that at Armageddon the goats "depart into everlasting cutting-off", thereby indicating the fate of those destroyed in all three cases.—Matt. 25:31-46, NW.
It is interesting to note that during the 1950s and 1960s it was often mentioned that those dieing during armageddon will not get a resurrection. This is barely mentioned anymore. I think the WTS is ashamed or embarrassed by some of these doctrines and try to pretend they do not exist. However, it is not old light, as it has never been officially mentioned that there is a change or that those who die during Armageddon have any hope of a future resurrection, even those that never came into contact with JWs.