I think it started when I downloaded an Adobe upgrade, but JASC used to open up automatically for me to download pictures off my memory strip. Somehow now, every time I do it Adobe oens up automatically. I don't prefer it. I prefer JASC to open automatically. Anyone have any idea how to remedy this? I have not been able to find any setting to do so. if I can't fix it, I will just delete Adobe Photoshop.
Adobe Photoshop kidnap
by reneef 2 Replies latest jw friends
its a control setting.... adobe (and many other software) will hijack the default setting for .jpg, .gif, etc if you do not pay attention during the install process.
If you have Windows XP...this should work. (you get what you paid for this advice).. I already had a picture icon on my desktop, but you can go into My Pictures and choose a picture there.
right click on the pic...scroll down to the bottom of the menu to Properties and left click.
You should see a tab defaulted to General (if not, click the tab).... on that dialog box, It will say, Type of File and underneath that... Opens With..to the right of that will be the progarm that currently opens that type of file.... click the button to the right of that program that says Change....Choose from the listed progarms (which is easiest) or use the Browse button to find the program (If you dont see the program you want to use in the initial list...look for the program with the name of the software you want to use..it will have an .exe file extension (for executable file)... and choose it.... there is a box available below the list of programs that says "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file..."... make sure the check box is checked...
from then on, the program you chose should be the default for opening that type of file (you will have to do this for each type of file, jpg, gif, etc..) ..this changes the default within the Windows Registry (and by the way...if anyone suggests using the regedit.exe method...be sure you back up your registry first...or you'll be sorry if you screw it up)
there might be an easier way, but that is the way I learned...
Snakes ()
Snakes has a good script of how to solve your problem. I hope you try to follow it.
I gather that you also are a user of Paint Shop Pro since you mention JASC. That company used to produce the Paint Shop Pro, which does things very similar to Photoshop but have since (a few years ago) sold out to Corel.
I am a user of one of the later versions of PSP (version X) and am quite happy with it. I'm told that it will do just about anything that Photoshop will do -- it simply does it differently. Sometimes it's easier, sometimes not as easy.
Len Miller