Bethal Open Day

by Princess Daisy Boo 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    Useless Information: My bethalite sister excitedly tells me that they are having a massive open day next week at the local Bethal... all neighbouring homes and businesses and their service providers etc have been invited and they will be providing tours and catering lunches etc.

    Wonder what they think they will achieve - a mass conversion when people see what Bethal is like or something? My mother always seems to think that once folk see Bethal, they can't but believe that this must be the "truth".

  • journey-on

    If this is a first-time ever event, all I can say is: "The winds of change are blowing furiously!"

    There is something going on behind the scenes.

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    From what I understand, this is the first time it has happened here - not sure if other branches have done it. Thus the huge excitement!

  • bigmouth

    This kind of thing was done in the former Soviet Union to 'prove' to invited guests how modern and forward thinking the Communist government was and that the rest of the world should stop being critical of them.

    Outfits that need to shore up their flagging public profile will do this.

    However, this may be a new Bethel branch in which case an open day is not unusual.

  • betterdaze

    This Public Relations scam is definitely not a first-time event.

    I recall an article within the past year or so about their "open house" theatrics at a Central American branch (Mexico?). They carried on
    about how the worldly local visitors were *so impressed* with the shiny modern cleanliness and landscaping, like that's a reason to join!

    We know the cup within is full of filth.

    "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed
    and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean." — Matthew 23:25,26

    It's a publicity stunt geared to maintain tax-free status, providing "free education" to the public. See? See? We're just normal religious folks
    providing a free education to the community.

    Yeah, right!

    PDB, your "useless information" is not so useless; it confirms their trendiness to be a part of the world.

    Just hope no one gets snared-in by it.


  • Jim_TX

    It's a publicity gimmick. The Mormons do it, too. When the Monmons built a new 'temple' here locally, they had an 'open house' for a few days. My aunt wanted me to go through it with her and her daughter - so I did. (I wasn't impressed.)

    So - the WTBTS is also doing something similar - to get publicity - perhaps also to get some press coverage - favorable - they are hoping.


    Jim TX

  • worldtraveller

    I have been to the Basillica in Mexico City a few times. Still not a Catholic!

  • yknot

    Mainstreaming the Public Image..................

    Wish it was mainstreaming the private doctrines and views..............

  • Finally-Free

    They did that in the Georgetown Bethel years ago. I went and devoured a bunch of free burgers. Aside from that the whole thing was unremarkable.


  • sspo

    There is nothing impressive about bethel. They just print mags. and books.

    Worked in a warehouse for many years and we kept it just as clean and organized than bethel

    I was much more impressed when i visited the Vatican in Rome but never thought it was the true religion because of it.

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